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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Ruy Teixeira’s Donkey Rising

Zogby Polls Say Kerry leads in 13 of 16 Swing States

The Wall St. Journal reports “The latest Zogby Interactive poll, taken during the Democratic convention, shows John Kerry ahead in 13 of the 16 battleground states we track. That is his biggest lead — in terms of the number of states — since Zogby began conducting twice-a-month online polls for WSJ.com in late May. Moreover, his lead is greater than the margin of error in five of the states (including Pennsylvania), up from four states just before the convention. And Mr. Kerry took back narrow leads in Florida and West Virginia.”

Kerry Gaining Among Independents

A poll released on August 6th by the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey concluded “Independents had already preferred Kerry over Bush on the question of who best shared their values and who was most inspiring. But a 47 to 36 percent advantage for Kerry on values went to 52 and 33 percent, and a 44 to 37 percent lead on inspiration rose to 52 and 34 percent.”

Kerry Leads By 7 In New FL, NH Polls

In an American Research Group Poll of “likely voters” in Florida reported on August 6th, 50 percent of respondents chose John Kerry, with 43 percent supporting George Bush, 2 percent for Nader and 5 percent undecided.
In another ARG poll released August 6th, 49 percent of “likely voters” in New Hampshire supported Kerry, compared to 42 percent for Bush, 2 percent for Nader and 7 percent undecided.

Strategic Vision

An Aug. 2-4 Strategic Vision (R) Poll of Pennsylvania voters finds Kerry/Edwards ahead 51-43

Associated Press-Ipsos

An Associated Press-Ipsos poll conducted aug 3-5 Shows Kerry/Edwards leading Bush/Cheney 48-45. The Survey also shows Bush Disapproval at 50% vs. 49% Approval and Dems Favored for Congress by 48-44

Marist Poll Brings More Good News for Kerry

A Marist Poll released August 4th indicates that 55 percent disapprove of Bush’s handling of “the situation in Iraq,” 51 percent disapprove of his “handling of the economy” and 56 percent have a “favorable impression” of John Kerry, compared to 51 percent for George Bush.
In addition, the National Journal’s Polltrack analysis of the Marist data concluded “Maybe John Kerry (D) didn’t get the traditional “bounce” following last week’s Democratic National Convention, but a new survey shows the presidential hopeful did improve voters’ perceptions of him as a capable leader.
Among registered voters surveyed by Marist College Friday through Monday, Kerry upped his standing on his “vision for the future,” on being “respected by leaders throughout the world” and on whether he’s “ready to be president.”

Fox Poll finds Gains for Kerry

A Fox news/Opinion Dynamics poll released August 5th found that “While not moving the race numbers much, the convention does appear to have improved Democratic nominee Senator John Kerry’s image with the public. At the same time, President George W. Bush’s job approval rating is at the lowest point of his presidency.”
Opinion Dynamics President John Gorman added “What we see post-convention is actually a strengthening of the polarization in the electorate. Kerry voters are now more confident in their man and more committed to him… The ability of the Bush campaign to paint Kerry with a negative brush has been diminished and so has the chance for any major electoral movement. Given the closeness of the race, this may diminish the value of trying to use television to persuade voters and enhance the value of traditional get-out-the-vote efforts. With roughly equal numbers of voters on each side, getting them to the polls becomes crucial.”