In a head-to-head CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll of Wisconsin RV’s conducted Sept. 9-12, 2004, Bush leads Kerry 50-45 percent, with 5 percent neither/unsure.
In a head-to-head ICR/International Communications Research poll of nation-wide RV’s conducted Sept. 8-12, 2004 Bush leads Kerry 49-45, with 5 percent neither/unsure.
John Kerry leads George Bush 46-44 percent in a head-to-head match-up among nation-wide RV’s, with 10 percent not sure, according to an Investor’s Business Daily/Christian Science Monitor/TIPP poll conducted by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence Sept. 7-12, 2004.
The recent Fox News poll of LVs conducted Sept. 7-8 shows Kerry leading Bush by 5 points (48-43) in key “battleground states” (AZ, AR, FL, IA, MI, MN, MO, NV, NH, NM, OH, OR, PA, WV, WI).
UpCATEGORY: Ruy Teixeira’s Donkey Rising
A September 9th Zogby International Poll of Maine LV’s for the Portland Press Herald and the Maine Sunday Telegram has Kerry tied with Bush at 43 percent, with 3 percent for Nader and 10 percent undecided.
In a SurveyUSA poll of Pennsylvania LV’s for WCAU-TV Philadelphia, WNEP-TV Wilkes-Barre and KDKA-TV Pittsburgh conducted Sept.7-9, Kerry Leads Bush 49-47 percent, with 5 percent undecided.
A new SurveyUSA poll of Missouri LV’s conducted Sept.7-9 for KSDK-TV St. Louis and KOMU-TV Columbia shows Bush now leading Kerry by just 2 percentage points, 48-46 percent, with 5 percent undecided.
A new Zogby America poll of nationwide LV’s conducted Sept. 8-9 has Bush at 47 percent and Kerry at 45 percent in a head to head match-up, within a 3.1 percent m.o.e.
In a poll of NC LV’s taken by Survey USA for WBTV-TV Charlotte and WTVD-TV
Raleigh Durham Sept. 6-8, Bush leads Kerry 50-46 percent( moe 4.2 percent ).
A SurveyUSA poll of LV’s in Ohio for WCPO-TV Cincinnatti and WKYC-TV
Cleveland conducted Sept. 6-8 has Bush with 50 percent vs. 47 percent for
Kerry ( moe 3.8 percent ).