Bush leads Kerry 45-42 and 48-40 in two polls of nation-wide RV’s conducted 9/17-21 and 9/22-26 respectively by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
Bush leads Kerry 51-44 percent among nation-wide RV’s, with 2 percent for Nader, 2 percent other/neither and 2 percent no opinion, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted 9/23-6.
Bush leads Kerry 48-44 among nation-wide RV’s in a new Time magazine Poll conducted 9/21-23. (Bush was up by 12 among RVs in Time’s poll 2 weeks earlier).
George Bush leads John Kerry 45-43 percent among nation-wide LV’s, with 12 percent other in a head to head poll conducted September 21-22 by Opinion Dynamics for Fox News. (margin of error +/- 3).
Bush Leads Kerry 47-45 percent of nation-wide RV’s, with 3 percent for Nader and 5 percent undecided in a Marist Poll conducted 9/20-22. (margin of error +/- 3.5 percent)
George Bush leads John Kerry among nation-wide RV’s 49-41 percent in a head-to-head CBS News Poll conducted Sept. 20-22.
Bush leads Kerry 51-42 among nation-wide RV’s, with 2 percent for Nader, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos Poll conducted 9/20-22.
Kerry leads Michigan LV’s by 4% in FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll (Sept. 21-22)
Kerry lags by 2% Nevada RV’s in CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll (Sept. 18-21)
Bush leads by 3% Ohio LV’s in FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll (Sept. 21-22)
Kerry up 5% among Pennsylvania LV’s in FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll (Sept. 21-22)
Bush ahead by 10% West Virginia RV’s in CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll (Sept. 17-20)
Bush up by 6% among Wisconsin RV’s in ABC News Poll (Sept. 16-19)
Bush leads Kerry 48-45 percent among Iowa LV’s, with 1 percent Nader and 6 percent unsure, according to a FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll conducted Sept. 21-22.
Bush leads Kerry 47-46 of Iowa LV’s, with 6 percent unsure, according to a poll by Research 2000 for KCCI-TV conducted Sept. 19-21.
Bush leads Kerry 48-47 percent of Florida RV’s, with neither/unsure 6 percent, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll conducted Sept. 18-22.
Bush leads Kerry 48-43 percent of Florida RV’s, with 2 percent someone else, 1 percent wouldn’t vote and 6 percent unsure, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll conducted Sept. 18-21.