John Kerry and George Bush are tied at 47 percent of nation-wide RV’s, according to a Marist College Institute for Public Opinion Poll conducted 10/17-19. The poll also found Bush’s approval rating at 49 percent of RV’s.
George Bush leads John Kerry 48-46 percent of nation-wide LV’s in a Harris Poll conducted 10/14-17 (MoE +/-3%). In 17 “swing states” the poll found Kerry leading 51-44 percent.
John Kerry and George Bush are tied at 45 percent nation-wide RV’s, with 1 percent for Nader, according to a Pew Research Center Poll conducted 10/15-19. The Poll also found that Kerry leads in “battleground states” 49-43 percent and Bush’s approval rating is 44 percent.
John Kerry leads George Bush 48-46 percent of nation-wide RV’s, with 1 percent for Nader, according to a Economist/YouGov Poll conducted 10/18-20. The poll also found a 44 percent approval rating for Bush.
Bush leads Kerry 48-46 percent of nation-wide RV’s, with 2 percent for Nader in NBC News/Wall St. Journal Poll conducted 10-16-18 by Hart McInturff. (MoE +/- 3.1%)
John Kerry leads George Bush 51-45 percent of Maine LV’s, according to a SurveyUSA Poll conducted 10/17-19.
Kerry Leads Bush 50-47 percent of Ohio LV’s on an ABC News/TNS Poll conducted 10/14-17.
John Kerry leads George Bush 48-47 percent of New Mexico LV’s in a 2-way American Research Group Poll conducted 10/16-18.
Kerry and Bush are tied at 47 percent of NH LV’s, according to American Research Group Poll, conducted 10/16-18.
Kerry Leads Bush 47-41 percent of NH LV’s, according to a Suffolk University/News 7 Poll conducted 10/14-17.
John Kerry Leads George Bush 52-45 percent of Oregon RV’s in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll conducted 10/15-18.
Kerry leads Bush 50-44 percent of of Oregon LV’s in a Tribune/KOIN Poll conducted by Research 2000 10/11-14.