John Kerry and George Bush are tied at 48 percent of Arkansas LV’s, according to a new Arkansas News Bureau/Stephens Media Group Poll conducted 10/18-20. Kerry was down by 9 percent in the ANB poll taken two weeks ago.
Kerry leads Bush by 1 point, 48-47, among Florida LVs according to a new Research 2000 poll, conducted October 18-21.
Kerry and Bush are tied at 46 percent of Florida LV’s, according to a new Miami Herald/St. Petersburg Times Poll conducted October 19-21.
John Kerry Leads George Bush 49-47 percent of nation-wide LV’s, according to a Democracy Corps Poll conducted 10/20-21. The Poll also found that Kerry leads Bush 52-45 percent of LV’s in Battleground states and has a 50-41 percent lead among Independent LV’s.
John Kerry leads George Bush 48-46 percent of Pennsylvania RV’s, according to a Morning Call/Muhlenberg College Poll conducted 10/17-22. This makes 10 straight Pennsylvania Polls showing Kerry leading.
John Kerry Leads George Bush 52-39 percent of American college students, with 1 percent for Nader and 8 percent undecided, according to a Harvard University Institute of Politics Poll conducted 10/7-13. The poll also found that Kerry leads among college student LV’s in 14 swing states by 55-38 percent.
Those who believe inequality is a “serious problem” in America prefer John Kerry over George Bush 57.3 percent to 23.7 percent of respondents, according to a Campbell Institute on Citizenship and Inequality Poll conducted 10/9-19. Those who want government to do more to reduce inequality prefer Kerry over Bush 49.6 percent to 32.6 percent.
John Kerry leads George Bush 47-41 percent among Pennsylvania RV’s, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll conducted 10/16-20.
Kerry leads Bush 51-44 percent of MI LV’s. Bush leads LV’s in IA 51-45 percent and CO 52-45 percent, according to SurveyUSA Polls conducted 10/18-20.
Bush leads Kerry 48-47 percent of Florida LV’s, with 1 percent for Nader, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll conducted 10/15-19.
John Kerry leads George Bush 49-46 percent of nation-wide LV’s, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos Public Affairs Poll conducted 10/18-20. The poll also found Bush’s approval rating at 47 percent.