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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Teixeira: Democrats Are Super Happy, Working-Class Voters Are Not

Teixeira: Democrats Are Super Happy, Working-Class Voters Are Not

There is a sector of working class voters who can be persuaded to vote for Democrats in 2024 – but only if candidates understand how to win their support.

Read the memo.

The recently published book, Rust Belt Union Blues, by Lainey Newman and Theda Skocpol represents a profoundly important contribution to the debate over Democratic strategy.

Read the Memo.

The Rural Voter

The new book White Rural Rage employs a deeply misleading sensationalism to gain media attention. You should read The Rural Voter by Nicholas Jacobs and Daniel Shea instead.

Read the memo.

The American Establishment’s Betrayal of Democracy

The American Establishment’s Betrayal of Democracy The Fundamental but Generally Unacknowledged Cause of the Current Threat to America’s Democratic Institutions.

Read the Memo.

Democrats ignore the central fact about modern immigration – and it’s led them to political disaster.

Democrats ignore the central fact about modern immigration – and it’s led them to political disaster.

Read the memo.


The Daily Strategist

October 11, 2024

Pushing Toward Closure (and Cloture) on Health Care

This item by Mike Lux is a cross-post from OpenLeft, representing an important point of view on health care reform and party loyalty.
It was good to see President Obama shifting toward a more directly confrontational tone with the insurance industry today in his weekly radio/YouTube address on health care. One of the biggest mistakes Clinton made in the last fight was shying away from directly taking on the insurance companies standing in the way until it was too late. It is only this kind of directly populist message that will carry us home.
It was also very exciting to see Obama be very clear and the strongest yet about how much he wants the public option.
We have reached a crucial moment, perhaps the crucial moment. All those folks pushing for delay (with the possible exception of Ron Wyden) are pushing for delay because they don’t want to take on the insurance industry, and they want to slow the momentum of the Obama approach, especially the public option. Now is when Democrats and all of us progressive activists on the outside need to get very tough and very specific. Conservative Democratic Senators need to understand that they need to vote for cloture even if they can’t bring themselves to vote for the bill itself, that to break with Obama and the party on this is the ultimate disloyalty. They need to understand that the White House, and Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi will cut them off at the knees on all future requests. They need to understand that progressives will recruit primary candidates against anyone who stops health care reform, and that progressive donors will stop giving to anyone who helps the Republicans on a filibuster fight.
This is the biggest issue for Barack Obama, and his ability to get anything else significant done will die if health care dies. This is the ultimate measure of whether you are part of the team, and the consequences of defeat on health care need to be made clear- yes, crystal clear- to everyone. All of us in this fight- from Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, to all of us who are progressive activists- need to ratchet up the pressure even more than the insurance company lobbyists. This is our hill to die on.

Fun for Fiscal Hawks in California

One of the odder political phenomena of 2009 has been the strength of the neo-Hooverite argument that the most appropriate response to the deepest recession since the 1930s is radical retrenchment of public spending policies to mitigate (or, at the state and local level, avoid) deficits. Most Republicans and some Democrats have embraced the rhetoric of hard-core fiscal hawkery, with particularly tough words for those state and local governments who have suddenly, through no particular fault of their own, watched revenues drop through the floor.
Well, the fiscal hawks ought to be enjoying the latest news from California, where Republican manipulation of a two-thirds-vote requirement for enactment of a state budget has led to a no-tax-increase deal to close an astounding $26 billion state shortfall.
The deal does have a revenue component that manages to take money out of California’s economy without actually increasing the state’s revenue base: it will increase and speed up tax withholding, and exploit an arcane provision related to Prop 13 that enables the state to borrow (to the tune of $1.9 billion) property tax dollars from local governments, who will in turn, of course, be forced to cut their own spending.
The spending side of the deal includes $1.2 billion in unspecified cuts to prison expenditures–virtually guaranteed to force early release of prisoners, a practice that earlier led to public demands, in California and elsewhere, for mandatory sentencing rules and restrictions on parole and probation.
But the crown jewel of the spending cuts in the California budget deal is the continuation and extension of furloughs for public employees that amount to a 14% pay cut. This isn’t exactly great news for California businesses that will feel the impact of reduced consumer spending by state employees.
Given the Golden State’s size, there’s no question the budget deal (if, indeed, it secures legislative approval) will represent a significant blow to national economic recovery. But it will undoubtedly please those for whom public spending is the villain, and “sacrifice” in every area other than taxes is the panacea.

The GOP’s Amazing Talking Parrot

Snarko-phile Alert: Don’t miss Dana Milbank’s column, “Health Care for Dummies,” in today’s WaPo. Milbank provides a devastating recap of RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s Monday speech to the Washington Press Club, which included verbatim passages lifted from a memo distributed earlier this month by GOP message wizard Alex Castellanos, advising Republicans on what to say to stop health care reform. A sample:

“Slow down, Mr. President: We can’t afford to get health care wrong,” said the memo.
“Slow down, Mr. President: We can’t afford to get health care wrong,” said the chairman.
Memo: “The old, top-down Washington-centered system the Democrats propose will empower Washington to restrict the cures and treatments your doctor can prescribe for you.”
Steele: “The old top-down Washington-centered system the Democrats propose is designed to grow Washington’s power to restrict the cures and treatments your doctor can prescribe for you.”
…”We are excited to join the growing number of Americans supporting the patient-centered health-care reform movement,” said the memo, “with patients and doctors in control.”
“Republicans stand with the growing number of Americans supporting the patient-centered health-care reform movement,” said the chairman, “with patients and doctors in control.”

True, parroting stale, boilerplate language is a staple of politics, particularly inside the beltway. Still, one expects the chairman of a political party to change a few words here and there to at least provide an appearance of originality. What makes the context especially amusing as snarkage is Milbank’s set up, quoting Castellanos’s memo:

“We need to bring new language to this debate,” Republican message man Alex Castellanos wrote in a memo to fellow GOP strategists this month. “If we paint the house the same color, no one will notice anything has changed: We will still be the same, outdated Republicans who have no new ideas and oppose everything.”

An inadvertantly prophetic observation. Milbank concludes, “As a voice-throwing act, Castellanos and Steele were quite a duo. But if Castellanos is the ventriloquist, what does that make Steele?”

Palin Or Else

Reader warning: I’m about to talk about a Rasmussen poll, and not only that, but a Rasmussen poll that shows Barack Obama and Mitt Romney running dead even among likely voters in a hypothetical 2012 matchup, with Obama running just six points ahead of Sarah Palin.
But here’s what’s interesting, even if, and particularly if, the sample for the poll skews Republican: it shows a robust 21% of likely voters supporting a third-party run for Palin if she is denied the GOP nomination.
You might object that lots of those supporters of a Palin third-party bid might be Democrats who love the idea of splitting the GOP vote to help Obama, right?
But a separate question about a three-way race with Romney as the GOP nominee and Palin running indie shows her pulling 16%, and giving Obama an eleven-pont lead.
I’ve always said that the hard-core supporters of St. Joan of the Tundra have a connection with her that won’t go away easily. That could be a problem for the Republican Party under various scenarios.

Health Reform and the Specter of 1994

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that not only wholesale Republican opposition, but Democratic divisions, are risking the enactment of health reform legislation this year. Some of those divisions are rooted in relatively narrow objections this or that bill–e.g., jurisdictional squabbles between committees or between House and Senate approaches–or this or that provision–e.g., union opposition to taxation of high-end employer-sponsored health benefits. But the bigger division which falls roughly along ideological lines involves “moderate” Democrats (sometimes, as in last week’s Senate “gang of six,” working with like-minded Republicans) who seem to prefer delaying action on health reform to enactment of anything that vastly increases federal budget deficits, fails to reduce health care inflation, or exposes Democrats to conservative attacks on “big government.”
It’s fair to say that the prevalent attitude among other Democrats towards these “moderates” is one of anger and betrayal, on the theory that only political cowardice or total submission to the health care industry could possibly explain their point of view. And one talking point heard often in denunciations of Democratic foot-draggers on health care is that as “everyone knows,” the failure to enact health reform in Bill Clinton’s first two years caused the Democratic midterm debacle of 1994. Steve Benen, for example, stipulates this assumption about 1994 and quickly goes on to suggest that maybe “centrist” Democrats don’t really give a damn if their party loses seats or even control of Congress in 2010. This attribution of evil motives is also more-or-less incorporated by reference in an otherwise fine post today by TNR’s Jon Cohn on the Democratic politics of health reform.
As someone with still-vivid memories of 1994 and of the raging and inconclusive debate that ensued about the origins of that electoral debacle, I have to say that no, it’s not at all self-evident that the failure of a Democratic-controlled Congress to enact universal health coverage was the primary cause. For one thing, there was a lot going on in November of 1994–a vast number of Democratic retirements, the final stage of the ideological realignment of the South (exacerbated by racial gerrymandering in the House), and residual resentment of a Democratic majority in the House that had been in place since 1954. But even if you believe health care was the single largest factor in the 1994 results, it’s not entirely clear that the failure to enact health reform, as opposed to the unpopularity of the reforms being proposed (not to mention the timing of the health care debate, which in 1994 was on the very brink of the midterm elections), was the predominant factor.
And even if health care was the predominent factor, it’s not at all clear that the defeat of the Clinton health plan, as opposed to the composition and presentation (at least as perceived by the public) of the Clinton health plan, was the vote-killer. Yes, there has always been a point of view in the debate over 1994 that “disappointment” over the Clinton administration’s strikeout on health care, compounded by other White House strategic decisions (most notably the promotion of NAFTA and GATT and the prioritization of deficit reduction at the expense of “investments” in the budget), “discouraged” the Democratic “base” and led to conservative-skewed turnout patterns in 1994, and depressed Democratic performance among those who did turn out. But it’s just a point of view, not incontrovertible fact. A Kaiser Family Foundation election-night survey in 1994 that focused on health care reached a different conclusion:

The survey shows that the voters’ vision of health care reform has shifted toward that held by many moderate Republicans and Democrats. Thirty-one percent of those surveyed said they were less supportive of major health reform than six months ago, with half of those citing as their reason that they did not think the government would do it right. More voters now want Congress to make modest changes in the health care system (41%), rather than enacting a major reform bill (25%). In addition, one in four voters favor leaving the system as it is. [Tables 4 and 5] “These results say that voters want the new Congress to place health care high on their legislative agenda,” said Dr. Robert Blendon, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Harvard University. “But what the public means by health reform now comes closest to a more moderate vision: one which is more limited in scope, incremental, and that involves a much more limited role for government.”

My point here is not to argue that this or that theory about 1994 is the gospel truth (though I personally think there are elements of truth in the “discouragement” and the “rejection of big government” theories, along with non-issue explanations). It’s that I wouldn’t buy the idea that go-slow Democrats today know their position on health care will produce an electoral disaster, and just don’t care. For every good, loyal Democrat who has internalized the “discouragement” narrative about 1994, there’s another good, loyal Democrat who “remembers” 1994 as a tale of an “over-reaching” White House and an arrogant congressional Democratic leadership who relied on a secretive process to produce a highly complex health plan that was then marketed as a giant new government entitlement, repelling swing voters.
In the end, motives for the current behavior of Democrats on health care only matter so far. As it happens, I favor the argument that Senate Democrats ought to be pushed (with real consequences) to support a cloture vote on health care–and on climate change–no matter how they feel about the underlying legislation, which would make it a lot easier to get something done.
But the intraparty debate will become an unfortunate dialogue-of-the-deaf if the contending factions base their political assumptions about the consequences of various courses of action on health reform are based on different interpretations of an election held fifteen years ago.

Public Wants Govt-Sponsored Scientific Research

Despite the best efforts of the Bush Administration, including relentless bashing of government investments in scientific research, they were never able to get a full-scale war against science off the ground. The primary reason for their failure appears to be that the public just doesn’t buy into the GOP meme that scientific investments are best left to the private sector, as indicated by recent opinion data. As TDS Co-Editor Ruy Teixeira reports in his current ‘Public Opinion Snapshot’ at the Center for American Progress web pages,

The Obama administration has put a strong emphasis on scientific research, backed up by funding commitments in the 2010 budget. And this appears to be simpatico with the views of the American public. A new survey from the Pew Research Center shows that the public, by 60-29, thinks government investment in research is essential for scientific progress, rather than believing that private investment can ensure scientific progress without government investment.

And breaking down scientific research into two basic components:

And when queried about whether government investments in basic scientific research—and in engineering and technology—pay off in the long run, the public overwhelmingly said yes in both instances: 73-18 for basic scientific research and 74-17 for engineering and technology.

It appears that the GOP war on government-sponsored scientific research is safely dead for the forseable future. As Teixeira concludes, “…The public is not only very supportive of scientific research, but is clearly willing to put its money where its mouth is. This supportive environment should allow scientific research in our country to flourish in the coming years.”

Just when you thought journalistic ethics couldn’t get any worse

Zackary Roth has an important piece up on the TPM site that notes the profoundly disturbing way many news networks competed for interviews with Mark Sanford by promising to go easy on him and let him spin the “hiking” story the way he wanted. E-mails sent to Sanford’s press people included the following:

• David Gregory: “coming on Meet the Press allows you to frame the conversation as you really want to… You know [Sanford] will get a fair shake from me and coming on Meet the Press puts all of this to rest.”
• Producer for the MSNBC Morning Joe show: “Of course the Governor has an open invite to a friendly place here at Morning Joe, if he would like to speak out.”
• Producer for MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer “…Mark could spin this favorably if he talks it up as the outdoors man in the woods etc. For all we know he’s contemplating the last year of his term and thinking through his priorities before he goes on his family vacation.”
• Anchor for WIS-TV – “Off the record, I think this whole thing is ridiculous. Sounds like slow news day stuff.”

This promise of favorable treatment as an enticement to get a political figure to appear on a particular show is disturbing enough in the case of a governor like Sanford. But its implications are even more – there’s no other word for it – sinister — in the case of two other figures who every TV show is going to be absolutely desperate to snare – Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney.
Palin, obviously, will be desperate to limit her exposure to easy “softball” interviews and it’s all too easy to imagine the sleazy promises many shows will make to get her – “Don’t worry, no Cokie Roberts type-stuff”, “we’ll ask you the right kinds of questions ” etc. Romney also will want to avoid all manner of challenges about his changing positions over the years. Obviously, hard-right conservatives like Palin know that they can get a free ride on a FOX show, but so does the audience. It’s much more disturbing to imagine a competition in laxity among all the other networks as well.
Let’s say it plainly: the competition for these two political figures is going to be a vile, no-holds barred race to see which interviewer can flush every speck of his or her journalistic integrity down the toilet — a championship face-off in the World Olympics of media pandering.
But what can Democrats do about this?
Here are three quick ideas:

1. Democrats should insist that TV or other interview shows reveal the terms of any deal they offer Palin or Romney in order for them to appear. If the shows refuse to disclose this, they should be called on it. In fact, under federal communications law, undisclosed “sweetheart” interview deals might even qualify as kickbacks – they are far more valuable to the subjects than cash.
2. The moment any TV show announces an upcoming interview with Palin or Romney, Democratic magazines and websites should immediately begin proposing questions that the interviewer should ask. The Republicans made a big and effective stink claiming that a network show featuring Obama on health care would be slanted before it even aired. Democrats should make no less of an advance stink about likely kid-gloves treatment of Palin or Romney.
3. Desirable Democratic interview subjects should make it clear that they will avoid interviewers who give Palin or Romney kid-gloves treatment and will seek out honest journalists instead.

George Carlin used to have a comedy routine about the TV commercials that promoted new drugs by saying “remember to ask your doctor to prescribe XYZ”. Carlin commented: “When you name the drugs you want your doctor to prescribe, he’s not a doctor any more, he’s a pusher.”
In the same way, when the producer of a network news show promises a political guest control over the questions and formats of their appearance in order to get them to appear on a particular show, he or she is not a news professional any longer, but the journalistic equivalent of a streetwalker.

It’s About Cost AND Coverage

Pollster.com Editor Mark Blumenthal wades through the confusion about recent polling on health care reform attitudes in his post “Health Care Goals: Cost, Coverage or Both?” and makes a key point reform advocates should keep in mind in discerning trends in public opinion on the topic:

…Democratic pollster Mark Mellman attempts to make sense out of some very divergent obtained by national pollsters recently on the question of whether Americans consider controlling costs or expanding access to coverage the more important goal for health care reform. The column is worth reading in full, but I want to add one thought: I’m not a fan of the costs-or-coverage question….

Blumenthal then presents recent data from seven different polls, all of which share one thing in common:

…All of the questions above force respondents to choose between the goals of reducing costs and expanding access to coverage. What if they feel strongly about both goals?
The new USA Today/Gallup results released this week suggest that many Americans do exactly that. Their survey begins with a list of ways health care reform “might affect you personally,” and asks respondents to rate the importance of each. They find:
86% rate “being able to get health insurance regardless of your job status or medical situation” as at least very important (including 43% who consider it extremely important)….83% rate “making your health insurance more affordable” as at least very important (including 40% who consider it extremely important).
Conceptually, both goals involve the issue of costs. Most Americans understand that if they lose their job or attempt to purchase insurance with a pre-existing condition their personal costs will be significantly higher than with ordinary, employer-provided health coverage. So it would not surprise me that many Americans have trouble disentangling the goals of cost and access to coverage.
…The notion that Americans worry mostly rising health care costs or mostly about covering everyone can mislead us about what those Americans who want it really want out of health care reform. It’s not about cost or access to coverage. It’s about both.

Hopefully, members of Congress will take Blumenthal’s reasoning into account, as they try to figure out what their constituents want. As Ed Kilgore pointed out yesterday in his TDS post on “The Less-Information Lobby,” there is nothing wrong with more polling data, especially if it is interpreted with common sense.

All in “The Family”

A few weeks ago I wrote about the strange involvement of the highly secretive evangelical “leadership” group “The Family” in the adultery sagas of both John Ensign (who lived at The Family’s C Street townhouse on Capitol Hill and negotiated with the wife of his mistress there) and Mark Sanford (who apparently was counseled on his marital and extra-marital issues at the same place).
Today’s news brings the revelation of another adultery scandal involving a Republican pol who was very close to The Family: former U.S. Rep. Chip Pickering, once a big-time rising star on the Right, whose estranged wife is suing his alleged mistress for “alienation of affection.” Her complaint in court claims that the affair was in full bloom while Pickering was living at “the well-known C Street Complex.”
I don’t know what’s more notable here: the high prevalence of marital infidelity among the hard-core adherents of this quasi-theocratic group, or the fact that the publicity must be driving its leaders completely crazy. In any event, the “C Street Complex” is beginning to appear as something of a house of questionable repute.

NVRA Enforcement Needed to Secure Dems’ Future

Michael McDunnah’s post, “New Project Vote Report Evaluates Fifteen Years of the NVRA” at Open Left flags an important study, which could have have a significant impact on the Democrats’ prospects in upcoming elections. McDunnah discusses the just-released Project Vote Study “The NVRA at Fifteen: A Report to Congress,” written by Estelle Rogers. The conclusions of the study about National Voter Registration Act ought to alert Democrats and the Administration to an impending threat and an opportunity.
The NVRA should be enforced as a critical priority for American democracy, regardless of partisan concerns. For Democrats, however, the threat is that continued lax enforcement of the NVRA could help hand the Republicans an early comeback. Conversely, the opportunity for Democrats is that full enforcement of the NVRA could help secure Democratic majorities at the federal state and local levels for years to come.
Lax enforcement of the NVRA has undermined the integrity of our elections for all voters, regardless of their party preference. McDunnah explains:

During the first two years of its implementation, the NVRA contributed to one of the largest expansions of the voter rolls in American history. But many states have resisted or rejected the mandates of the NVRA since its passage, often challenging them in court, while others have been allowed to ignore their responsibilities due to lax enforcement by the Department of Justice. As a result, fifteen years after the passage of the NVRA, voter registration was once again cited frequently as THE PROBLEM marring the 2008 election. Tremendous disparities in the electorate still remain, controversies rage across the country over voter registration and list maintenance issues, and some seven million Americans-according to the 2008 Cooperative Congressional Election Survey-either attempted unsuccessfully to vote or were discouraged from voting by administrative barriers. It is clear that many problems the NVRA sought to address remain uncured, and its full promise remains unfulfilled.

What’s behind the failure of enforcement of the Act? McDunnah quotes voting rights scholar Frances Fox Piven in her forward to the study:

…The reform of American registration procedures has met widespread resistance, some of it attributable no doubt to bureaucratic inertia, and some of it perhaps politically motivated.”

Rogers, via McDunnah, breaks down the failure into four key elements:

“It is important to assess what has been accomplished and suggest what might be done to achieve the level of civic participation envisioned by the statute’s drafters in 1993,” Rogers says. The NVRA at Fifteen is the first in-depth evaluation of how four major provisions of the NVRA have-and more importantly haven’t-been successfully implemented: the “motor voter” program, establishing voter registration through motor vehicle offices (Section 5 of the NVRA); the creation of a simple, universally accepted mail-in registration form (Section 6); voter registration through public assistance agencies serving low-income families and people with disabilities (Section 7); and the regulation of how states can and cannot remove voters from the rolls (Section 8).

Rogers also cites “poor training requirements and lack of oversight and accountability of motor vehicle offices have led to problems with noncompliance” and,

After initial success in its first two years of implementation,” Rogers writes, “Section 7 has been largely neglected (and in some cases almost wholly ignored) by many state agencies. A lack of authority on the part of chief election officials over state public agencies, and a failure on the part of the Department of Justice to enforce the requirement, have contributed to the pervasive failure of Section 7, to the disadvantage of millions of eligible low-income and minority Americans.”

Project Vote estimates that compliance with the NVRA provisions could bring 2 to 3 million new low-income voters into the counts yearly. Not surprisingly, the Bush Administration Department of Justice pretty much ignored the Act. I’ve got to believe that President Obama, himself a former voter registration organizer, will provide stronger leadership to enforce the NVRA. As president, however, he’s got a longer list of higher priorities, so we can’t assume that the Adminsitration will provide adequate leadership to make the NVRA rise to its potential.
Then there is also the thorny issue of weak enforcement by Democrats in power. As, Bruce Dixon, one of the commenters to Mcdunnah’s post notes:

I worked in county govt – Cook County in Chicago, the office of David Orr, the county clerk office which is responsible for registrations and elections in the half of the county outside the city of Chicago. I recall we had no end of problems with the state of Illinois resolutely refusing to carry out the provisions of NVRA. We were able to get them to allow us to place registrars in Chicago city and suburban motor vehicle registration facilities and a very few other state offices. But we never got deeper cooperation than that, and certainly there was never anything like statewide implementation of NVRA…This was the case even though a Democrat held the office of state attorney general most of that time. Our office asked, requested, importuned and begged that elected Democrat for years to come out with some kind of advisory opinion to the effect that the state was somehow obligated to do so, but to no avail.

Dixon identifies the Illinois A.G. as Roland Burris, now U.S. Senator. The point here is not to target Burris as the only Democrat who didn’t provide the needed leadership to enforce the NVRA. No doubt there are other states in which Democrats, as well as Republicans, failed to provide the needed leadership. No matter how strongly President Obama rises to the challenge of enforcing the legislation, there is still the problem of limp enforcement at the state level, a worthy challenge not only for Democratic leaders who undertand the importance of this legislation in securing their party’s future — but for all Americans who believe that healthy turnouts keep democracy strong.