A new poll released by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard School of Public Health found substantial dissatisfaction among seniors with last years Medicare prescription drug law. The press release issued by the foundation pointed out the political ramifications.
“The Democrats in Congress hold an edge over both President Bush and the Republicans in Congress on handling the prescription drug issue today. When asked generally who is doing a better job handling the issue, 43% of seniors (40% of the public) say the Democrats in Congress and 24% of seniors (32% of the public) say the President. ”
A Time magazine poll reported on August 6th concluded “Just as the Democratic Party convention gave the Kerry campaign very little “bounce” in the polls, so have last week’s elevated terror alerts had only limited impact on an electorate already largely decided, according to the latest TIME poll. Senator John Kerry leads President Bush among likely voters by a margin of 48% to 43%, with Ralph Nader running at 4%.”
Recent SurveyUSA election polls in swing states reveal widening leads for John Kerry:
Michigan: Kerry ahead 52-41 reported August 5
Washington: Kerry ahead 52-43 reported August 3
Pennsylvania: Kerry ahead 53-41 reported August 3
The Wall St. Journal reports “The latest Zogby Interactive poll, taken during the Democratic convention, shows John Kerry ahead in 13 of the 16 battleground states we track. That is his biggest lead — in terms of the number of states — since Zogby began conducting twice-a-month online polls for WSJ.com in late May. Moreover, his lead is greater than the margin of error in five of the states (including Pennsylvania), up from four states just before the convention. And Mr. Kerry took back narrow leads in Florida and West Virginia.”
A poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research for Democracy Corps August 2-5 found that 51 percent of likely voters would vote for John Kerry “if the election were held today,” with 44 percent for George Bush.
A poll released on August 6th by the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey concluded “Independents had already preferred Kerry over Bush on the question of who best shared their values and who was most inspiring. But a 47 to 36 percent advantage for Kerry on values went to 52 and 33 percent, and a 44 to 37 percent lead on inspiration rose to 52 and 34 percent.”
In an American Research Group Poll of “likely voters” in Florida reported on August 6th, 50 percent of respondents chose John Kerry, with 43 percent supporting George Bush, 2 percent for Nader and 5 percent undecided.
In another ARG poll released August 6th, 49 percent of “likely voters” in New Hampshire supported Kerry, compared to 42 percent for Bush, 2 percent for Nader and 7 percent undecided.
An Aug. 2-4 Strategic Vision (R) Poll of Pennsylvania voters finds Kerry/Edwards ahead 51-43
Aug 2-5 Poll by Investor’s Business Daily/Christian Science Monitor/TIPP Shows Bush approval continues down. Election match-up shows Kerry 49, Bush 43
An Associated Press-Ipsos poll conducted aug 3-5 Shows Kerry/Edwards leading Bush/Cheney 48-45. The Survey also shows Bush Disapproval at 50% vs. 49% Approval and Dems Favored for Congress by 48-44