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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

How Dems Can Regain Working-Class Support: Look at How Workers Feel About Jobs from a Sociological Perspective, Not Just Economic Policies

Democrats are currently spending a great deal of time debating how much effort should be devoted to regaining support from working class Americans–but much less time discussing how it can be done.

But it’s the second question that’s the most important. Trump’s victory in 2016 was a brutal demonstration that Democrats had lost the trust and support of many working Americans. To prevail in 2020, Democrats now must convince working people that they genuinely understand their problems and will represent them better and more authentically than Trump and the GOP.

This will not be easy–and the first step must be to recognize that simply advocating a list of progressive economic policies will not be sufficient.

The Democratic Strategist is therefore pleased to present the following strategy memo:
Democrats: To Understand How Workers Feel About Jobs, listen to Sociologists and not just Economists

To read the memo, click HERE.

We believe you will find this memo both useful and important.

One comment on “How Dems Can Regain Working-Class Support: Look at How Workers Feel About Jobs from a Sociological Perspective, Not Just Economic Policies

  1. Roscoe Van on

    I read the piece. Plenty of good observations there. And “feeling their pain” (as Bill Clinton was good at) combined with basic human respect for their contributions to society are the way to earn respect.
    But that will only go so far…you better have something tangible to offer working class folks.
    They can do basic math as well as anyone. They see the country -and the Rich- getting richer, and who get’s the short end of the stick? Anger at so called “minorities” may be misguided and illogical but it’s understandable.
    We can wait till thing get really bad -like the easy thirties- or we could start a major nationwide program to put people to work. All people, all colors and all strata working together.
    We have a giant problem the likes of which the world has never faced: Human induced climate change.
    We have the brains and the brawn to solve it. There will be plenty to do for any who want to work on it.


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