washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

DCorps: Polarization of the White Working Class Modestly Helps Democrats

The following post comes from a Democracy Corps E-blast:
A quick headline might say, “Democrats are doing a little better with the white working class than they were in 2012,” though their vote still hugging 35 percent may give you pause. A more considered headline would tell you a big gender story. Hillary Clinton and congressional Democrats (in a named ballot) are running considerably better with white working class women, produced by a sharp pull back from the Republicans. But amazingly, Democratic gains with working class women are partially offset by losses with white working class men. With the men, Clinton is trailing Obama’s performance by 5 points.
For now, the white working class women are having their say and Clinton and the Democrats are eroding some of the Republicans’ working class firewall.
Based on a national survey of 950 likely 2016 voters conducted June 13-17, 2015 by Democracy Corps, 60 percent cell, and national post-election surveys among 3,617 2012 voters conducted by Democracy Corps in 2012.
Read at DCorps website.

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