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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Kilgore: Getting Real About Roberts, High Court’s Future

At Washington Monthly’s ‘Political Animal,’ TDS Co-Editor Ed Kilgore’s “A New Grievance for the Right” has a couple of reality checks for those who may still be in swoon about the ACA ruling and harboring unrealistic expectations that Chief Justice Roberts has decided to become a dependable moderate swing vote:

…Roberts’ ulterior motives, if any, will never become clear until much later in his career.I think it’s just as plausible that he “switched sides,” if indeed he did, because he’s playing a longer Federalist Society game than his conservative friends, and may soon provide some nasty shocks to liberals who are now hailing him for his long-sighted sagacity.
…It would be helpful if progressives focused on the judicial stakes of the November election as well, despite the tendency of some to view that perspective as representing a rationalization aimed at forgiving Obama his various heresies. Whatever else last week’s decision ultimately meant, there is little question now that the Court has at least four votes for a profound constitutional counter-revolution.

In other words, hope for the best, but plan for the worst. The future of the Supreme Court is still very much a critical issue for everyone to the left of Mitt Romney.

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