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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

TDS Co-Editor Ruy Teixeira: Obama Jobs Plan Has Strong Public Support

Republicans continue to bash away at President Obama’s proposed American Jobs Act. But they haven’t made a dent in public support for the plan, as TDS Co-Editor Ruy Teixeira explains in this week’s edition of his ‘Public Opinion Snapshot’:

In the recent CBS/New York Times poll, respondents supported cutting taxes for small businesses by 81-14; supported spending money on infrastructure such as bridges, airports, and schools by 80-16; supported cutting payroll taxes by 56-30; and supported providing money to state governments to prevent layoffs by 52-40.

As for funding the American Jobs Act, the poll indicates Americans are in solid agreement with the President:

Moreover, they support one of President Obama’s chief ideas for funding action on jobs. By 56-37, they agree that those earning $250,000 or more should pay more in taxes.

And another poll indicates that the President has considerable latitude to do even more:

Finally, by an overwhelming 63-18 in a recent Marist poll, the public thinks President Obama’s proposals do not go far enough. Clearly, the public believes the time for action has arrived.

The Republicans will no doubt keep plugging away with the negative spin. But the public clearly isn’t buying it, and Dems should benefit from the inescapable conclusion that only one party is offering constructive action.

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