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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

New study of Israeli public opinion challenges conventional wisdom

A new survey of Israeli public opinion conducted by Gerstein-Agne Strategic Communications for the New America Foundation offers a far more nuanced view of opinions about Obama and efforts to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict then the standard American media narrative. Here’s the summary:

Despite repeated media reports touting a “4 percent Obama approval rating” and arguments that the United States has lost the Israeli public’s support for renewed peace efforts, Israelis actually demonstrate a much more supportive and nuanced view of President Obama, and there is solid backing for an American-sponsored final status agreement along the lines of where the parties left off nine years ago at Taba and in the recent Olmert-Abbas negotiations.
The survey also shows that Prime Minister Netanyahu has a great deal of political space to sign a peace agreement with the Palestinians, including within his own Likud party.

The survey examines Israeli opinion in unique detail, with an extensive battery of questions and in-depth “paragraph A vs. Paragraph B” policy choices like those used in many Democracy Corps studies.

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