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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Hump Day Round-Up

Eric Kleefield of TPM Election Central has the new Obama ad — now playing on gas pump video screens.
Target shoppers much prefer Obama, while McCain wins the Wal-mart crowd, according to John Zogby’s HuffPo post comparing various department store shopper’s political preferences — a survey which might actually prove useful for voter registration campaigns.
Speaking of Wal-Mart, in his AFL-CIO Now Blog, James Parks puts their voter intimidation/campaign to stop the Employeee Free Choice Act (EFCA) in perspective.
MoJo/CQ Politics scribe David Corn features an 8-point plan for an Obama victory — and it comes from a former editor of The National Review, no less.
Southern Political Report‘s ace Tom Baxter has an inside look at Jim Martin’s big win in the GA Democratic senatorial primary, and he explains why it boosts Obama’s hopes of winning GA’s 15 electoral votes.
Maureen Dowd has a good NYT column today, offering some perceptive insights about McCain’s Obama-envy and hypocricy.
Politico‘s Ben Smith reports on the 50-state Obama Voter Protection Program.
Paul Waldman makes the case at The American Prospect that Obama should name his cabinet now, as a way of cooling out those who will be unhappy about his vp choice and strengthening Democratic solidarity by showing diverse Dem factions will be well-represented in his administration.
Michael Connery has a revealing post at The Nation explaining the barriers that diminish youth voter turnout and some possible solutions.
Dem candidates and campaigns will find some good talking points about the ‘War on Terror’ in this Consortiumnews.com post by Ivan Eland, director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute. Eland discusses the new Rand Corporation report on U.S. anti-terrorism strategy.

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