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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Dems Senate Majority Shaky, But Poised to Increase

Dems will be cheered to read Eric Kleefield’s TPM Cafe synopsis of Stuart Rothernberg’s Roll Call article, pointing out that Dems have a good chance to win a fillibuster-proof 60 Senate seats by 2010. Kleefield cites Blumenthal’s argument that Dems only have to defend 27 seats over the next two cycles, while the GOP must defend 40 seats. In addition, in 2008, Blumenthal says the GOP has “tough seats to defend” in CO, NH and ME, along with possible Republican retirements in VA, NM, NE, MS and NC. Further, most Dem seats being defended are in blue states.
All well and good in the longer run. But on Sunday on The Chris Matthews Show, killjoy Joe Klein predicted that, in the shorter run, Senator Lieberman may switch to the GOP “pretty soon,” causing Dems to lose control of the Senate. Here’s hoping Sens. Schumer and Reid are working hard on persuading a GOP Senator to join the Dems.

One comment on “Dems Senate Majority Shaky, But Poised to Increase

  1. meurdrac on

    Anyone can see that the 2008 elections are already looming large in Washington. A lot of socially moderate ‘Publicans are actively reconsidering either their political affiliation, an ignominious fate in the minority, or retirement. But this is where the Democratic “Big Tent” mentality can speak large. Frankly, while Sen. Lieberman represents some positions that are more closely aligned with many in the opposition, he also is currently serving as an ambassador to help inspire others to cross over. His credibility may be stained after his last election against the Party’s Senatorial nominee, but he can re-earn his place of esteem by reaching out and advocating for more socially moderate ‘Publicans to switch parties and ultimately retrench the gains made in the last elections. If we hope to remain the majority party, groups like the Blue Dog Democrats are going to play an essential role in helping to bridge the gulf that the Gingrich-era entrenched to build a more moderate voice in the Democratic Party, allowing Democrats to further expand their successes through the 50-State strategy. This will push the “litmus test” Conservatives (with their iron grip on the ‘Publican Party’s apparatus) to turn on remaining moderates and ultimately foil themselves in the next elections. So this has a potential affect of sending the opposition deeper into the political wilderness in the longer run.
    With the new majority and a bigger party, those of us who bleed blue need to remember that with having more voices in our party, it also means we’ll have a more balanced political spectrum in our ranks. Overall, that’s good for Dems, and it’s good for America’s future to build a Democratic Populism for the 21st Century based on our core Democratic values.
    Viva la revolución Democrática!


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