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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

There is a sector of working class voters who can be persuaded to vote for Democrats in 2024 – but only if candidates understand how to win their support.

Read the memo.

The recently published book, Rust Belt Union Blues, by Lainey Newman and Theda Skocpol represents a profoundly important contribution to the debate over Democratic strategy.

Read the Memo.

The Rural Voter

The new book White Rural Rage employs a deeply misleading sensationalism to gain media attention. You should read The Rural Voter by Nicholas Jacobs and Daniel Shea instead.

Read the memo.

The American Establishment’s Betrayal of Democracy

The American Establishment’s Betrayal of Democracy The Fundamental but Generally Unacknowledged Cause of the Current Threat to America’s Democratic Institutions.

Read the Memo.

Democrats ignore the central fact about modern immigration – and it’s led them to political disaster.

Democrats ignore the central fact about modern immigration – and it’s led them to political disaster.

Read the memo.


The Daily Strategist

February 23, 2025

DCorps: The Center Holds for Obama

There’s a new Democracy Corps poll out that focuses on the relative success or failure of recent Republican efforts to rough up President Obama. The rough-stuff is going over well with conservative Republicans, but not with much of anybody else:

[T]wo of the most high-profile debates in Washington could damage the GOP further by isolating the party from the vast middle of the electorate as Obama’s nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court receives better than two-to-one backing, even after the initial onslaught of Republican attacks against the nominee, and former Vice President Dick Cheney’s popularity falls to an all-time low….
Cheney is a deeply divisive figure, popular only with the conservative base of the Republican Party but unpopular with everyone else, including independents (among whom he has net -26 favorability rating) and moderate Republicans. In fact, President Obama (+5) is more popular with moderate Republicans than Cheney (-9). Moreover, by a three-to-one margin (66 to 23 percent) likely voters reject Cheney’s recent statement that he would prefer to see Rush Limbaugh, rather than Colin Powell, set the direction of the GOP. Again, only conservative Republicans side with Cheney, while Democrats, independents and moderate Republicans all strongly prefer Powell….
Sotomayor’s nomination has created a similar dynamic. By a more than two-to-one margin (56 to 27 percent) likely voters approve of the nomination. This level of support is similar to that enjoyed by John Roberts, and exceeds those held by Harriet Miers and Samuel Alito, when they were nominated to the Court in 2005. More important, once again the base of the Republican Party finds itself at odds with the rest of the electorate. While conservative Republicans strongly disapprove of her nomination, Sotomayor earns at least plurality support from moderate Republicans, independents and Democrats.

If you look at the crosstabs for the poll, which break out moderate/conservative Democrats and moderate/liberal Republicans, the risk of self-isolation by conservative Republicans becomes even more apparent. Democrats are largely sticking together with Obama, and the more the GOP adopts attack-dog ideological and personal attacks on the President (and on “RINOs” like Colin Powell), the less Republicans stick together in opposition.

Toward Single Payer Reform — Step by Step

It’s hard to find anyone inside the D.C. beltway who actually believes single payer health care reform can be achieved in this session of congress. The majority of progressives seem to have settled for the “public option,” which can be seen as a step toward achieving a single-payer system down the road, make that way down the road.
The public option does seem to be the most promising proposal for achieving a progressive consensus for this session of congress. But I do hope the single payer warriors will keep the heat on as the ‘scary left’ that makes the publlic option seem like a moderate alternative.
I applaud incremental reform as generally a more practicable approach than “big package” reform. By providing a smaller target and a simpler policy, precisely defined incremental reforms have a certain edge in winning hearts and minds. Incremental reforms have less baggage than “big package” reforms and they reduce the opposition’s ability to use red herrings to distract voters. Republicans, for example, had an easier time of it trashing ‘Hillarycare’ than they would in fighting a bill that forces insurance companies to do one simple thing — cover pre-existing conditions.
The oft-cited advantage of big package reform is that you can build a broader coalition. Well, that’s true. But it gives a well-organized opponent plenty of targets for mobilizing opposition. The right is very good at distracting voters with specific objections to proposals that offer otherwise beneficial reforms. See our staff post yesterday on William Galston’s New Republic article to get a sense of how complicated are public attitudes toward various health care reforms.
Incremental reforms are often portrayed as a ‘sell-out’ of progressive principles because they invariably leave some constituency out. The pre-existing coverage requirement, for example, still leaves millions without coverage. But if there is an understanding that other specific reforms to broaden coverage will be strongly advocated shortly after pre-existing coverage is enacted as part of a coalition commitment, then it could become possible to achieve something resembling universal coverage in fairly short order. Voting on highly specific health care reforms one by one in rapid succession may be a quicker way of getting to universal, comprehensive reform than having a grand battle over a highly complicated health care reform bill with many moving parts that have to work together in synch.
Incremental reform is not a new idea. Governor Howard Dean proposed insuring all children first, which is a good example of a politically-attractive initial reform. I like the idea of first guaranteeing catastrophic coverage to everyone — codifying the principle that no one loses their home or retirement assets because of an illness. It would be politically-popular by providing a huge sense of relief to millions of voters and it could be financed through a single-payer mechanism, sort of a partial single-payer reform. Let the private insurer reforms and the public option address other coverage issues — for now. A comment by Daniel Bliss in response to an Ezra Klein post on health care reform at The American Prospect made the argument nicely:

The key thing, as I see it, is that a final plan will not be successful in the long run unless it has a single payer component. Note the qualifying word, “component.” It merely has to share the risk and streamline the core of the system, but does not have to be single-payer in its entirety, and indeed probably shouldn’t if we want the best possible system. There is after all a great deal of difference in how applicable a market is to something that people simply won’t do without (e.g. accident and emergency) compared to something that is relatively more discretionary (non-urgent care administered in relatively small and affordable increments, such as chiropractic treatment). It’s worth noting that the top-rated health care systems in the world, according to the World Health Organization, tend to embody this concept of mating single payer for catastrophic coverage with supplemental insurance taking care of more discretionary parts of health care. France is the outstanding example.

If the Obama Administration can say 3 years from now, “We eradicated the fear of ruinous health care costs for all American families,” that’s a hell of an impressive achievement to run on on 2012.
Given the complexity of attitudes toward health care proposals, I’d prefer to see a series of specific health care reforms debated, voted and enacted in succession, each piece standing on its own merits, rather than having them all linked together and inter-dependent on each other. It would bring more clarity — and simplicty — to the debate over health care reform, and my hunch is consumers/voters would welcome it.

No Parity of Pain

In a post yesterday, I noted in passing that one recent analysis suggested that Florida has been the state hit hardest by the recession. That was based on a chart from the Wall Street Journal showing that the state was in the bottom five in terms of changes in GDP, jobs and housing prices during 2008.
But that’s just one measurement, obviously, and the impact of hard times also can various enormously within a single state. So I thought it was worth mentioning today that a look (also from the WSJ) at current (as of April, at least) unemployment rates for the nation’s metro areas shows some startling variations and concentrations.
On the latter front, thirteen MSAs have unemployment rates over 15%. Nine are in California, mostly in central CA. On the other end of the spectrum, of six MSAs located entirely within Iowa, five have unemployment rates under 5%. Getting back to Florida, of its twenty MSAs, exactly half have unemployment rates over 10%, and half don’t.
The chart’s worth staring at for a while as background for political developments. We are definitely in a national recession. But at least in terms of unemployment, the pain has not been spread equally.

Complex Public Attitudes Dog Health Care Reform

Anyone who thinks that public opinion about health care reform is any less complicated than our health care system should give TDS Co-editor William Galston’s article on the topic in The New Republic a slow read. On policy-holders self interest:

I take as my point of departure a survey Kaiser conducted in October of 2008, on the threshold of the presidential election. It shows that twice as many voters cared about making health care and health insurance more affordable as about expanding coverage for the uninsured, and that only one in ten gave high priority to improving the quality of care and reducing medical errors. Not surprisingly, voters were very concerned about increases in their health insurance premiums and other out-of-pocket costs–indeed, more concerned about this than about increasing employer, government, and national spending combined. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that in evaluating proposed health reform legislation, voters will be looking first and foremost at its impact on their own pocketbooks, with broader issues trailing well behind.

On funding:

…58 percent believed that “if policymakers made the right changes, they could reform the health care system without spending more money to do it.” If the people mean what they say, they are likely to regard requests for additional funds as evidence that Congress has made the wrong changes–that is, unless President Obama and congressional leaders explain why health reform cannot succeed without substantial upfront investments.
…As for financing options, majorities support increasing taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, and “unhealthy snack foods” but not soda and soft drinks, which experts regard as major contributors to the rising tide of obesity. (When those who favored this approach heard the argument that so-called “sin taxes” would hit low-income people the hardest, however, six in ten changed their minds and opposed it.) As for taxing employer-provided benefits, a solid majority are opposed, even when they are told that only the “most generous” benefits would be affected.

On health care as a national priority:

This brings me to the April tracking survey. It showed that respondents think reforming health care is only the fourth most important priority (on a list of eight), behind improving the economy, stabilizing Medicare and Social Security, and reducing the federal budget deficit. It is hardly surprising that partisans divide sharply: Democrats rank health reform second from the top, Republicans second from the bottom. Independents, whose ranks have swelled since the election, place it fifth.

Galston has an interesting section on the experts opinions vs. public opinion, with this nugget about the proposed compulsory purchase of health insurance:

Consider, finally, the proposition that all individuals, including those who are young and healthy, should be required to purchase health insurance. Most experts and policymakers agree that without this “individual mandate,” insurance companies will continue to screen out prospective beneficiaries with preexisting conditions and other discouraging health profiles, and the linchpin of current reform proposals will snap. Unfortunately, the people don’t agree: A Rasmussen survey published in late May indicates that only 31 percent of Americans favor requiring everyone–including young adults and those in good health–to purchase insurance. And when they were asked what should happen when those who choose not to buy insurance end up in emergency rooms, three quarters say they should receive treatment even if they can’t pay.

Galston concludes with a warning to political leaders to level with the American people about “the choices they face if we are finally to achieve universal health insurance with meaningful cost containment.” He urges bringing the public into the discussion to help avert “another catastrophic failure.” Such a buy-in can increase public confidence in the reforms that are enacted — and help strengthen the Obama Administration and congressional Democrats.

Still More Evidence That Abortion Sentiments Haven’t Changed

Last month TDS featured a lot of analysis (here, here, here, here and here) on the whole question of whether new polls from Pew and Gallup showed some sort of major shift in public opinion towards opposition to legalized abortion. The polls got a lot of hype from conservatives in the context of the President’s speech at Notre Dame, and the Sotomayor nomination.
Our last post on the subject was from Emory University’s Alan Abramowitz, who addressed the specific question of whether Democrats could successfully appeal to voters with anti-abortion sentiments (doesn’t much look like it, he concluded).
Now Abramowitz has another post up at pollster.com factoring in a new poll from AP, and summarizing the overwhelming evidence that public opinion is stable on abortion, and continues to lean towards the pro-choice position. Check it out.

2010 Cycle Heating Up Early

The midterm elections of 2010 are still seventeen months away, but in many states, the cycle’s starting early, in part, no doubt, because everyone is expecting a difficult environment for fundraising.
In my home state of Georgia, the 2010 gubernatorial contest has been actively underway for months, and has been enlivened by two big events that have significantly changed the field. Lt. Governor Casey Cagle, the early frontrunner on the GOP side, suddenly withdrew from the governor’s race in April, citing health issues (he is, however, running for re-election). That decision lured U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal, who shares a geographical base with Cagle, into the GOP field, which already featured two statewide elected officials, Secretary of State Karen Handel (a protege of term-limited incumbent Gov. Sonny Perdue) and Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine.
Then just yesterday, former Gov. Roy Barnes, who lost to Perdue in 2002 in a major upset, jumped into the race on the Democratic side. The field already includes Attorney General Thurbert Baker, former Secretary of State and Adjutant General David Poythress, and state House Democratic leader Dubose Porter. Barnes is the Big Dog of Georgia Democratic politics, and was immediately regarded as the front-runner, even getting a big shout-out from the Democratic Governors Association as though he were the putative nominee. It wouldn’t be a big surprise if one or more of Barnes’ rivals decides to give the contest a pass. Early polling by DKos/R2K in April showed Barnes running ahead of Handel and just behind Oxendine.
Though Georgia has leaned decisively Republican in recent cycles, the recession (which has hit the state very hard), infighting among Republicans, and significant cutbacks in state services and investments, have all given Democrats hope that they can stage a comeback in 2010. Indeed, Georgia may become one of many states where there will be an interesting test about which party gets the blame for bad times: the governing party in Washington, or the incumbent party closer to home.
The same could be true of Florida, which at least one recent analysis called the hardest-hit of all the states, thanks to a massive decline in home prices. Though Obama carried the state last year, Republicans have been regularly winning most other elections of late; gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink, the state CFO, is the only Democratic statewide elected official other than U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, and Republicans control both state legislative chambers.
Sink enjoys a cleared field for the gubernatorial nomination, and Florida Democrats are enthusiastic about her candidacy (it doesn’t hurt that her husband is 2002 gubernatorial nominee Bill McBride, a wealthy trial lawyer). Her almost certain opponent, Attorney General Bill McCollum, has lost two Senate bids since 2000, and he will also have to deal with possible fallout from a bitter, ideologically-driven Senate primary between Gov. Charlie Crist and former FL House Speaker Marco Rubio. Crist will likely win that primary, but hard-core conservatives could decide to sit on their hands on General Election Day. And since Republicans now control state government, the perennial state budget crisis will probably be held to their account by many voters.
Georgia and Florida are two states where Democrats often express optimism early in cycles, only to experience the hard realities of minority status when voting draws near. This is one cycle where Democrats have more realistic grounds for an optimism that could extend right through to election day.

Transformative Moment?

People all over the world are watching replays and coverage of President Obama’s big speech in Cairo. Conservatives, of course, are already attacking it, sometimes without bothering to read or listen to it.
TDS Co-Editor William Galston has an interesting take on the speech at TNR today. Comparing the President’s words to those of Ronald Reagan, he suggests that Obama, like Reagan, believes his presidency coincides with a transformative moment in national and world history–you know, sort of like his campaign represented one of those moments in American politics:

Barack Obama is president today because he understood the moment better than anyone else and had the imagination and courage to seize it. He is conducting his presidency on the same basis as he did his campaign, and he may be right again. Whatever happens, it will be one heck of a ride.

2012 Talk Already!

For those political folk who aren’t satisfied with off-year elections, or even with midterm elections, yes, there’s already talk going on about the 2012 presidential race, and the emerging field of Republicans. The Daily Beast has not one but two articles up on the subject, one by long-time GOP strategist Mark McKinnon, and one by Benjy Sarlin
McKinnon makes this interesting observation about the current political climate:
I’m surprised by how many people I talk to in the media and politics, including many Republicans, already presume Obama will be a two-term president.
Nonetheless, there’s plenty of Republicans who are at least flirting with the idea of running against him. In his own handicapping, McKinnon ranks Romney and Pawlenty at the top of his list, mentions John Thune prominently, and
suggests that new Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman could “solve an early crisis and come home” to torment Obama.
Sarlin focuses on the evenness of the field, and offers brief profiles of ten potentential candidates–interestingly, not the same ten on McKinnon’s handicapping list!

Newt Backtracks On Sotomayor, Sorta Kinda

So world traveler Newt Gingrich, apparently polishing the timber of his presidential ambitions, has stopped tweeting and started backtracking. In a column for the movement-conservative journal Human Events, Gingrich has walked back his Twitter references to Sonia Sotomayor as a “Latina woman racist” and is now blasting her in terms that don’t use the “R” word, but pretty much say the same thing. Check out Newt’s wisdom, after extensive writing about Sotomayor’s terrible offense to white people in the Ricci case involving New Haven firefighters:

Has President Obama nominated a conventionally liberal judge to a lifetime tenure on our highest court? Or a radical liberal activist who will cast aside the rule of law in favor of the narrow, divisive politics of race and gender identity?

So we’re not talking about a big shift in Gingrich’s positions on Sotomayor. He’s just realized that it’s stupid and counterproductive to explicitly call her a “racist;” why use a screaming siren when a dog whistle will do? And other Republicans helped him reach that conclusion, as CNN’s Gloria Borger explains:

Republican senators trying to figure out a way to mount real questions about her judicial record were appalled. One Senate Republican told me that the GOP caucus grew increasingly furious at Gingrich’s grandstanding.
“People are really angry,” the senator says. “Newt and Rush have simply made it far more difficult for Republicans to raise the legitimate issues. They’re so quick to throw the word racist around, they look ugly, and make us look the same way.”
And ugly is not a good place to be when you’ve just resoundingly lost an election — with less than one-third of the Hispanic vote. If it stays at that level, Republicans will have a hard time winning elections in key red states with growing Hispanic populations.

So with Rush Limbaugh being pretty much beyond the direct influence of Beltway Republicans, it’s not that surprising that Newt, who used to run one chamber of Congress, and who wants to be the next President of the United States, decided to “moderate” his language about Sotomayor, sorta kinda. No telling which way the wind will next blow for Republicans on this nomination, but I wouldn”t count on much more “moderation,” even if it’s defined by such highly technical retreats from demagoguery as Newt’s.

Table-Setting in New Jersey and Virginia

For the serious political junkie, off-year gubernatorial elections are the proverbial oasis in the desert: critical sustenance between the Big Events of even-year national contests for president and Congress. In the chattering classes, unsurprisingly, there’s a strong tendency to treat these state elections as national bellwethers or referenda on the party in power in Washington. That tendency is particularly strong with respect to the two states holding gubernatorial elections this year, New Jersey and Virginia, since the party controlling the White House hasn’t won a governorship in either state in the last twenty years.
Now maybe it’s because I have a background in state politics and government, but I’m very dubious about the proposition that voters in any particular place vote the way they do, not in order to choose their state elected officials, but instead in order to educate and entertain people in the other 49 states, or to send smoke signals to Washington. And in fact, I have a long post up over at 538.com questioning the predictive value of the “White-House-backlash” theory about New Jersey and Virginia, concluding that it’s probably not very strong.
But still, there will be an enormous amount of national attention paid to the gubernatorial races this year, and it currently looks like both will be highly competitive.
Yesterday New Jersey Republicans chose the candidate that national Republicans strongly favored, former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, as the nominee to face incumbent Democratic Governor Jon Corzine. Christie won a low-turnout primary by 55-42 over a “movement conservative” candidate, Steve Lonegan, and has consistently led Corzine in the polls by a significant but not large margin. He has one of those corruption-fighting “reform” resumes that Republicans love in an anti-incumbent atmosphere, particularly in a Democratic-leaning state like New Jersey where most of the issues don’t really favor them. But Corzine is, as you may know, very rich, and has yet to lose an election; he is already tying Christie to the less-than-popular national GOP. There’s also a recent history in New Jersey of Democrats seeming to get all the breaks down the stretch in competitive contests. Former Gov. Christie Whitman is the only GOPer to win a gubernatorial or Senate race there since the Reagan administration.
Next week Virginia Democrats will hold a gubernatorial primary, and this one is looking to be a barnburner involving state senator Creigh Deeds, former DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe, and former state rep. Brian Moran. Moran led in early polls, but a couple of months ago, McAuliffe, who raised more cash than his rivals combined, surged into what looked like an insurmountable lead. Just in the last week, several polls have come out showing a very close three-way race: SurveyUSA still had McAuliffe ahead; PPP had Deeds (who was recent endorsed by theWashington Post) surging in to the lead, and one (from GQR for Moran’s campaign) had Moran back up.
There’s still a week to go, with the undecided vote still pretty high, and lots of television ads still to run. Moreover, since a low turnout is expected, the campaigns’ ground game will be important. Almost anything could happen. All three Democrats trail Republican Attorney General Bob McDonnell in the polls. But recent demographic trends are favorable to Democrats, and McDonnell has some pretty wacky friends in the Religious Right with whom swing voters, particularly in vote-rich NoVa, may not be comfortable.
So political junkie or not, you should stay tuned to these two contests. It could be a wild ride to November. And if Democrats win either of these races, we can finally lay to rest the axiom that the party controlling the White House
is doomed to defeat in off-year elections in New Jersey and Virginia.