washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Greenberg: GOP Party I.D. Tanking

PartyID.jpgFrom an e-blast by Stan Greenberg, entitled “A Real Turning Point: Voter Contempt For The GOP Is Driving Democrats Upward”:

Having looked at a lot of polling data over the past few days, it is now clear to me that this election has reached a real turning point. The telltale factor many analysts haven’t noticed is that the Republican Party has lost five points in voter identification over the past month. Contempt for the Republicans is pushing Democrats into the lead at almost every level, not only in the presidential race but across Senate races too — and let’s watch the House races now. The voters have watched the primaries and the conventions, and Romney’s “47 percent” remark is going to seal it.
I don’t think they’re waiting for the presidential debates…

Greenberg explains more in his video right here

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