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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

TDS Co-Editor Ruy Teixeira: Majority Favors Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage

From TDS Co-Editor Ruy Teixeira’s weekly ‘Public Opinion Snapshot’ at the Center for American progress web pages:

…In late March, I flagged recent results suggesting that we could be reaching the point where majority support for marriage equality solidifies…I noted a Washington Post/ABC News poll result where 53 percent said it should be legal for gay and lesbian couples to get married compared to 44 percent who thought it should be illegal. This was the first time the poll found majority support for marriage equality since it started asking the question in 2003.

No, conservatives, it wasn’t just an outlier, as Teixeira reports:

Since then, two other major public polls have found that a majority of Americans support full marriage equality for same-sex couples. In an April CNN poll, 51 percent thought marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized by law with the same rights as marriages between a man and a woman…And in a May Gallup poll that used almost the same question wording, 53 percent endorsed legalizing marriage for same-sex couples.

Teixeira believes these polls “suggest we have reached the tipping point on this issue,” and he sees larger majorities ahead since “…this position as fair and reasonable” and continued opposition is “…both futile and mean-spirited.” Teixeira adds, “It’s time for conservatives to acknowledge the inevitable: They have lost and tolerance has won…”

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