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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Trump’s Tax Plan Arouses Voter Skepticism

In “Trump’s Tax Plan: A Guide for Advocates,” Navigator Research shares the following “key takeaways” from a poll they conducted last month:

• Democrats are more trusted to make sure the rich and big corporations pay their fair share in taxes, while Trump and Republicans are more trusted to handle the level of taxes paid by the middle class.

• Only one in five have heard “a lot” about Trump’s tax plan, with Americans divided along party lines on initial support.

• The framing of Trump’s tax plan is critical: framing the plan as giving “tax cuts to the rich and big corporations while shifting the burden to the middle class” drives opposition up to more than three in five Americans, while Republican messaging drives support up to a similar level.

Drilling down,

“Americans trust Democrats more on “making sure the rich and big corporations pay their fair share in taxes” (net +11 trust Democrats more), while Republicans hold an advantage on “the level of taxes paid by the middle class” (net +5 Trump and Republicans)….Among independents, Trump and the Republican Party have an advantage over the Democratic Party on both items.

Views of Trump’s tax plan are polarized along partisan lines, as seven in ten Democrats oppose the plan (net -59 support) and two in three Republicans support it (net +58 support).

Framing Trump’s tax plan as giving “tax cuts to the rich and big corporations while shifting the burden to the middle class” drives opposition up to more than three in five Americans (62% oppose), while Republican messaging drives support up to a similar level (64% support).

After reading Democratic messaging about Trump’s tax plan, nearly three in five (57%) say it “would hurt people like me.” By comparison, after reading Republican messaging about the plan, only a plurality (45%) say it “would help people like me.”

Among those who read Democratic messaging about Trump’s tax plan, the top concern was that it “wouldn’t help middle- and working-class people struggling to deal with rising costs” (35% top two concern).

It appears Democrats have much to gain by pressing their case against Trump’s tax policies.

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