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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Dems, Strive to Be Perceived as the Saner Party

Politico is running a round-up, “11 Democratic Thinkers on What the Party Needs Right Now,” which is worth a red. Here is one segment, “Democrats must return to being the party that a majority of voters believes to be saner” by Matt Bennett, co-founder and executive vice president of public affairs at Third Way:

Let’s start with where Democrats should NOT go. We should not blame Vice President Kamala Harris or her campaign. Given the underlying challenges with the Democratic brand, Joe Biden’s unpopularity, the compressed time frame, some hangover from the 2020 primaries, and the need to be the “change” candidate, her task in retrospect looks like it was impossible. Blaming her or her team is wrong and myopic, and it elides the reckoning we must face — Democrats have lost a staggering amount of support across almost every demographic group. We must find a way to turn that around.

To do so, we must make sure our focus is our generational challenge: defeating right-wing populism. A century of global history makes clear that right-wing populists cannot be beaten with left-wing populism. Rather, you take on the right-wing demagogues and authoritarians through the center. That means Democrats must return to being the party that a majority of voters believes to be saner, more reasonable, more patriotic and more in touch with their lives.

Democrats won’t get there without letting go of some stale and spurious conventional wisdom about our politics. Demography is not destiny — no “rising American electorate” of people of color and young voters is coming to save us. Mobilizing low-propensity voters is not a viable campaign plan. You can’t build a winning coalition with college-educated voters alone. And we must avoid what the commentator Ruy Teixeira has dubbed the “Fox News Fallacy”: Issues like immigration and crime can be both inflated by right-wing media and be real and rational concerns for a lot of voters outside the MAGA base. And despite all the cruelty and bigotry of the Trump campaign, we cannot view the whole of Trump’s support solely through the lens of racism, misogyny and ignorance. Voters are telling us something vital about what matters to them: We had better listen carefully.

Read all 11 essays right here.

4 comments on “Dems, Strive to Be Perceived as the Saner Party

  1. Victor on

    If you want to have historical discussions these takes coming from all over the ideological spectrum are actually rooted in history:




    Kamala was wrong to go against this trend:


    If we are going to keep following the neoliberals, at least take a look at good ideas:


  2. Victor on

    “A century of global history makes clear that right-wing populists cannot be beaten with left-wing populism.”

    This has got to be the most intellectually dishonest take I have read about this election so far.

    Reagan was not a right wing populist, so Clinton didn’t beat him. (Also, Clinton only won because a right wing populist -Perot- took away votes.)

    In any case the purpose of the politics of beating him gets lost if one beats conservatism, neoliberalism or right wing populism just to continue implementing their policies or just to keep the status quo ante that leads to the election of the right.

    Bush II was certainly not a right wing populist. In fact he ended up governing more to the left than Clinton. The wars don’t fall neatly into the left-right spectrum.

    Obama didn’t beat Bush II in any case. The wars and the Great Recession did.

    It took the Great Recession to get back a Senate supermajority for a while.

    So that’s for very contemporary history, the last few decades.

    What is a terrible lie about this take is that it talks about a century back look.

    A century back means we should look at the origins and response to the World Wars and the Great Depression.

    Where Democrats not populists then? Was there not an even better organized progressive movement? Where unions not in their heyday?

    What do Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt stand for if not left wing populism?

    Third Way is bankrupt on how to move forward.

    Blue Labor didn’t work, by the way.

    I don’t disagree with moving to the right culturally, but it’ still the economy, stupid and the status quo doesn’t cut it.

    • Blue Jean on

      Bill Clinton didn’t win because Perot took votes from Bush, though Perot did give Clinton a boost by advising his voters to listen to Clinton’s speech. If you check the October 1992 polls before Perot rejoined the race, Clinton was winning by 5 to 7 points.


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