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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Teixeira: Hispanic Biden Job Approval Watch

The following article by Ruy Teixeira, author of The Optimistic Leftist and other works of political analysis, is cross-posted from his blog:

As a sort of sequel to yesterday’s post on Democrats’ Hispanic voters problem, here are Biden job approval numbers among Hispanics in the latest Quinnipiac poll.

Overall job approval: 42 percent approve/51 percent disapprove
Coronavirus job approval: 48/50
Economy job approval: 39/54
Foreign policy job approval: 33/62
Taxes job approval: 28/64
Immigration job approval: 23/69
Situation at the Mexican border job approval: 24/68
Commander in chief job approval: 35/58

Addendum: Figures on Texas Hispanics from the latest Dallas Morning News poll

Overall job approval: 35/54
Immigration at Mexican border: 29/47

Note: this poll gives respondents a “neither” option.

Even making allowances for the Q poll running low on job approval relative to other recent polls, these are still pretty disturbing figures.

One comment on “Teixeira: Hispanic Biden Job Approval Watch

  1. Martin Lawford on

    I read the article on the Quinnipiac poll but I did not see where it said the respondents were Hispanic. Maybe staff conflated that with the Dallas Morning News poll respondents?

    Yes, these are disturbing figures and the most disturbing set of figures among them is the disaffection of the independent voters. Self-identified independent voters have outnumbered either Republicans or Democrats for nearly all of the past ten years (per Gallup) so it is especially important to regain their support.


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