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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

DCorps: Registering Women in the Rising American Electorate — What Are You Waiting For?

The following article by Stanley Greenberg and Nancy Zdunkewicz, which includes findings from March and April focus groups with unregistered and low propensity members of the Rising American Electorate, is cross-posted from Democracy Corps:

With voters turning out at historic levels in 2018 and people now following politics more closely than at any point in the past, WVWVAF asked us whether progressives should start working to register unregistered and low propensity voters? It usually conducts its registration programs with the Rising American Electorate in the Fall of the odd year before the election.

The answer for the women is resoundingly, yes. They are already politicized, engaged by President Trump, and looking for how to bring change.

Listening to these unregistered or low propensity African American women, Hispanic women, white unmarried women, and white millennial women tells us quickly they are so engaged early in reaction to President Trump:

  • Trump has raised the stakes and you know elections and your vote matter.
  • Trump’s in-your-face style and over-claiming tweets force them to pay attention.
  • 100 new women being elected in reaction to Trump says change is possible.
  • Claims of “greatest economy” is hurting Republicans, particularly as people are struggling financially, while corrupt politicians take care of the richest.
  • Trump’s divisiveness is elevating their desire for greater unity.
  • There is a new millennial consciousness – shaping the reaction to Trump.

We are in a unique time when every time Trump tweets to argue his case, he produces a backlash in the RAE that motivates them to register and vote. 


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