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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

The Nikki Haley response to President Obama’s SOTU continues to reverberate as a rebuttal to Trumpism, not the President.
“For one moment, at least,” writes WaPo columnist E. J. Dionne, Jr. about Haley’s SOTU response, “Obama had realized his dream: A part of red America came together with his blue America to share responsibility for the nation’s frustrations.”
TDS managing editor Ed Kilgore notes at New York News & Politics that Haley “certainly did no harm to her veep prospects unless Trump is the nominee or Trump has a veto over the second spot on the ticket (not an implausible thought). And indeed, conservative opinion-leader Erick Erickson said she had become “the only logical choice for vice presidential nominee of the GOP” (it should be noted Erickson was an early supporter of Haley’s 2010 Republican gubernatorial candidacy, back when she was mainly known as a hard-core, movement conservative disciple of Mark Sanford).”
“There has been a debate within the party — and the political class — about whether Republicans need to diversify to win or whether it just needs to attract more of its core constituencies. So far in 2016, led by Cruz and Donald Trump, the election has moved decisively toward the latter. The exceptions, such as Jeb Bush and Lindsey O. Graham, are either out of the race or on the edges of it.” — From “Republican hopefuls agree: The key to the White House is working-class whites” by Phillip Rucker and Robert Costa. The authors note, further, “the urgent imperative of Republicans — historically the party of business, money and power — to broaden their coalition with many more white working-class voters. As the nation diversifies and the GOP struggles to adapt, the presidential hopefuls see this demographic bloc as the key to taking back the White House.”
GOP hatin’ on Wall St.? If you buy that, you probably believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.
Too bad about Al Jazeera America folding. Hey wealthy Democratic sugar daddies and mommas, how about a “Working America” progressive TV Network?
In her article, “Snyder legacy will be Flint water crisis,” The Freep’s Rochelle Riley goes medieval on Michigan’s Republican Governor Rick Snyder, and with good reason.
The ‘low-information voter’ thing may be more of a BFD than we thought. According to “Poll Reveals Voters are Uninformed About Major Issues” by James Agresti at Just Facts, “The poll consisted of 23 questions about education, healthcare, taxes, government spending, global warming, Social Security, energy, hunger, pollution, and the national debt…Overall, the majority of voters gave the correct answer to only six of the 23 questions. This indicates that many voters may be casting ballots based on false views of reality.”
So here come the Republicans with filibuster finagling.
Just when you thought the GOP presidential candidates demolition derby couldn’t get much tackier, here’s Jeb Bush with a “Short People” diss of Rubio.

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