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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

Georgia has highest unemployment rate of 50 states, Republican Governor suggests statistical conspiracy has suddenly erupted. Meanwhile Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp is reportedly “sitting on” 51 thousand voter registration forms.
From Jackie Calmes’s “To Win Back Older Voters, Democrats Talk Up Social Security” in the New York Times: “Democrats are stepping up their appeals to older voters in the final stretch before the midterm elections, spurred by polls showing the party has regained some support lost in the Obama years…”Doing even a little bit better with seniors can have a substantial impact,” Geoff Garin, a Democratic pollster, said.”…In the first half of September, one in five Democratic ads dealt with either a candidate’s commitment to the programs or, more often, the threat from Republicans, according to Kantar Media CMAG, a nonpartisan media monitor. By comparison, one in 10 Republican ads mentioned the programs, typically to answer Democrats’ assaults.”
At The Daily Beast Linda Kilian has a profile of Sam Wang, “Meet the One Numbers-Cruncher Who Foresees Democrats Holding the Senate.”
Costco, which used to favor Democrats in political contributions, is now shifting their money to Republicans in Washington state. Something to do with liquor taxes. “We’ve had support from certain Republicans in the Legislature, and we thought it was appropriate. It’s as simple as that,” [Costco CEO Jim] Sinegal said of the donations. “I’ve been supportive of Democrats in the past, and on a national basis continue to be.”
Can Obama Use the Campaign Against ISIS to His Political Advantage? Probably Not,” argues George E. Condon at The National Journal.
Aaron Blake charts “The decline of the conservative Democrat” at The Fix, and cites an 11-point slide in NC and AR voters who self i.d. as Democrats since 2008.
“Younger voters, who tend to back Democrats but are less likely than other groups to turn out during midterm years, are among the least interested in the election. In the new Journal/NBC/Annenberg survey, only 20% of voters younger than 35 said they had a keen interest in the election…Among people age 65 and older, a far higher share, 62%, described themselves as highly interested in the election,” reports Reid J. Epstein at The Wall. St. Journal.
Kyle Kondik of Sabato’s Crystal Ball moves NC Senate race from toss-up to “leans Democratic.”
New American Media’s Khalil Abdullah explores “Will Ferguson Be a Tipping Point for Black Youth Voter Turnout?

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