washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Voters Push Back Against Big Money Politics

The following article is cross-posted from a Democracy Corps Public Campaign Fund e-blast:
In 2012, election spending went through the roof. More than $6 billion were spent at the federal level, with Super PACs pouring in more than a billion in outside spending. A post-election survey conducted November 6-7, 2012 by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps and Public Campaign Action Fund shows that voters are fed up with a system that they believe undermines democracy.
We will release a full report on voters’ attitudes toward money in politics and the policies they overwhelmingly support to change the current system, but we want to immediately release some of the dramatic highlights from what voters told us on Election Day 2012.
In an otherwise intensely partisan and divided electorate, concerns about money in politics unite voters across parties and demographic groups. Democrats and Republicans give nearly identically negative ratings to lobbyists and are equally concerned about the level of spending in this year’s presidential campaign.
Seven in ten said there was more advertising in this election compared to past years and more than a quarter characterized it as “unhealthy for our democracy.”
Two thirds (64 percent) of 2012 voters said that democracy was undermined in this election by big donors and secret money that control which candidates we hear about. Accordingly, more than three quarters (78 percent) say there is too much money spent on campaigns and there need to be reasonable limits.
Lobbyists and Super PACs are, not surprisingly, overwhelmingly hated by American voters. And on our thermometer scale, 61 percent give the current level of money in politics an unfavorable rating.
Even as they went to the polls to vote for their representatives in Congress, just 15 percent of voters said the views of their constituents have the most influence on how members of Congress vote–compared to 59 percent who said “special interest groups and lobbyists” and 46 percent who believe campaign contributors have the most influence on members’ votes.
Join Stanley Greenberg, CEO of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and Co-Founder, Democracy Corps, and David Donnelly, Executive Director of Public Campaign Action Fund on Tuesday for an in-depth look at these important findings.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012, at 11am EDT
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