washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Election Countdown: Day 6

Those of us not directly affected by Sandy are beginning to get fully into the final, teeth-grinding phase of this very long and difficult election cycle. Before getting to items of interest to TDS readers from today’s posting at Washington Monthly, here’s some breaking news: first real national polling on Obama’s handling of Sandy, from ABC/WaPo Tracking Survey, shows very high positive assessments (78/8). We’ll see if it matters.
* Mitt Romney’s “storm relief event” in Ohio a good example of successfully cynical manipulation of media.
* Trende/Cohn agreement on unlikelihood of electoral vote/popular vote “split decision” worth paying attention to, along with belief that either national or state polls are just plain wrong.
* Has-been underachievers as important as Tea Party upstarts in important story of GOP’s likely failure to take back Senate despite most favorable landscape in many years.
* Brief essay on how Iowa extremist Steve King benefits from partisan polarization.

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