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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

TDS Co-Editor Ruy Teixeira: Public Says Tax Rich, Cut Military Spending

Once again the conservatives have it backwards, this time regarding their assertion that the most Americans want no tax hikes or cuts in the military budget, notes TDS Co-Editor Ruy Teixeira in his latest ‘Public Opinion Snapshot.’ On military spending, Teixeira explains:

In a recent CBS/New York Times poll, the public overwhelmingly favored cutting military spending (52 percent) over cutting Social Security (13 percent) or Medicare (15 percent).

As for tax hikes:

And when it comes to taxing the rich, the public says bring it on! By a lopsided 67-29 margin, the public thought taxes on households earning $1 million or more a year should be increased to help deal with the budget deficit.

“The conservative approach to fiscal issues takes too many reasonable policy approaches off the table just because they don’t fit with conservative ideology,” Teixeira explains. “The public evidently agrees.”

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