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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

TDS Co-Editor Ruy Teixeira: Public Favors Fair Payroll Tax

TDS Co-Editor Ruy Teixeira has an interesting post on the politics of the payroll tax cut up at the Center for American Progress web pages. In “Earth to Conservatives: Don’t Raise Taxes on the Poor and Middle Class,” Teixeira notes the “blase attitude” of conservatives toward the approaching tax hike for workers, absent an extension of the payroll tax cut in stark contrast with conservatives’ “fanatic concern that taxes for the rich must never, ever go up in any circumstances.” Teixeira adds:

The public is unlikely to be pleased by conservatives’ lack of interest in their economic welfare. A just-released United Technologies/National Journal poll finds that 58 percent of the public thinks Congress should act now to extend the payroll tax cut, compared to just 32 percent who think Congress should not.
But the public does believe taxes should be raised on the rich. The latest example of this sentiment comes from a CNN/ORC poll on the super committee’s plans for reducing the deficit. The survey found by 2-to-1 (67-32) that the public approved of increases in taxes on “businesses and higher-income Americans” to help bring down the deficit.

As Teixeira concludes: “…Conservatives cannot–or just don’t want to–understand the public’s crystal-clear views in this area…Hard-pressed voters do not think their taxes should be raised but do think the affluent can afford to lend their country a helping hand.”

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