washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Bowers: Wisconsin Recall Drive Rolling Fast

Chris Bowers Flags Greg Sargent’s post reporting on the even-better-than-expected pace of the effort to recall 8 Republican state senators in Wisconsin for supporting legislation to take away bargaining rights for state workers. The recall campaign has collected 45 percent of the required signatures after just 20 percent of the allotted time for the petittion drive. Bowers adds:

…That’s an excellent pace, but keep in mind there are two good reasons why it’s important to gather far more than the minimum number of required signatures.
The first reason is to make sure that in the event of challenges to the petitions, there is a comfort zone when they are filed. We need as many signatures as possible in order to guarantee that the petitions are certified and the recall elections take place.
The second reason is because signing a recall petition is a first-rate means of identifying voters for the recall election. Anyone who signs a petition can be easily targeted for GOTV operations. As such, the closer we get to 50%+1 of the votes cast in 2008 just through recall signatures, the closer victory becomes.

Bowers reports that Daily Kos will be releasing opinion polls in all 8 senate districts at 11:00 a.m. today. For those who want to donate to the recall effort, Kos has a button here.

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