washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Doomsday Scenarios

On the outside chance that you are an incurable optimist who thinks the political, economic and international challenges facing the Obama administration have been overrated, you should check out Jeffrey Goldberg’s long article in The Atlantic about the slowly growing likelihood that Israel will soon decide to launch a unilateral military attack on nuclear facilities in Iran.
Putting aside the more obvious risks to life involved, the economic consequences of a regional war in the Middle East are simply terrifying. And it appears it will take an extraordinarily deft diplomatic stance by the United States–or abundant good luck of the sort that’s been hard to find of late–to head off some sort of armed confrontation between Israel and Iran, with “moderate” Arab states in the background urging the Israelis on.
If Goldberg’s even half right about the trajectory of events, this issue needs to become much more prominent in U.S. politics, beyond the saber-rattling of neocons whose Iraqi adeventure didn’t satisfy their taste for archair military strategery.

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