washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

‘Health Care ER’ Campaign Targets House Republicans

With the House of Reps already ajourned for the August recess, The DCCC has hit the ground running with a “Major Advertising and Grassroots Offensive” called “Health Care ER.” DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen has said that the campaign is targeting more than two-dozen Republicans throughout August, explaining:

Time and again, Republicans protect a broken system of skyrocketing costs, insurance companies making health care decisions, and record setting insurance company profits instead of working with President Obama to bring real health insurance reform. President Obama and Democrats are working for health insurance reform that lowers costs and protects patient’s choice of doctors and plans, while Republican are fighting for insurance companies. This August we are going district-by-district to hold Republicans accountable for trying to obstruct health insurance reform through their scare tactics and just-say-no protection of big insurance companies.

Some of the actions being conducted by the DCCC include:

Radio ads in seven (7) Republican Members districts;
Volunteer live calls, automated calls to 25 targeted Republican Members;
Volunteer live calls to talk radio stations in their districts;
Three (3) million e-mails;
Letter writing drive in their districts;
Letters to the editors of newspapers in the targeted districts;
An on-line petition campaign;
Fact check Republicans’ lies about health insurance reform;
Tele-town halls in the districts

You can hear the radio ads at the DCCC Stakeholder Weblog, which also has an ad script and a complete list of the targted Republicans.
Brian Beutler of TPM reports that the targeted Republicans fall into three categories “vulnerable, moderate, and high-profile.” Eight Reps, including Michelle Bachman (R-MN); Joseph Cao (R-LA), Charlie Dent (R-PA), Dan Lungren (R-CA), Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), Erik Paulsen (R-MN), Dave Reichert (R-WA), and Pat Tiberi (R-OH) will be the focus of attack ads in their districts.
Volunteers who want to get involved in the health care reform struggle are encouraged to contact the DCCC here.

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