washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Obama-Ordered Rescue Confounds GOP Echo Chamber

Do check out David Waldman’s Daily Kos post, “GOP descends further into sick cynicism,” a body slam really, of the right-wing blowhards (in an excellent video montage) who were trying to nail twisted versions of the GOP’s traditional “weak sister” meme on Obama for his handling of the pirate attacks. Problem was, they were all taped at about the time that Navy Seals were engaged in a heroic rescue of Captain Phillips — on orders from President Obama. Should be fun watching the Republican mouthpieces equivocate their way around their comments in the days ahead. Here’s one of the juicier quotes from Waldman’s post:

While all of these pampered fops were sitting, doughy asses-in-chair and having their pusses painted up in TeeVee make-up, so that they could come on the air and go all in against America, actual heroes were at that very moment doing the real dirty work of executing that rescue.

In terms of political strategy, the rescue should give Obama some cred as a decisive commander-in-chief, who is clearly prepared to order a genuinely needed military operation, even though he didn’t don a flight suit and “prance around on the deck of an aircraft carrier,” as General Wes Clark once described the theatrics of his predecessor.

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