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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Democrats — Liberal to Conservative — Still Strongly Support Obama

Apparently the “liberals feel betrayed” meme being parroted about the mainstream media and even the blogosphere, has been somewhat overhyped, according to a new Gallup report. As Jeffrey M. Jones Gallup wrap-up, “Liberals’ Confidence in Obama Rermains High,” explains:

Gallup Poll Daily tracking finds support for Barack Obama among liberal Democrats holding steady at 93% despite news reports that his core supporters are disappointed with some of his cabinet appointments and other decisions
..Obama’s recent decision to have conservative preacher Rick Warren deliver the invocation at the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration and his choices of Republicans Robert Gates and Ray LaHood for cabinet positions have been controversial among members of the political left. Additionally, women’s groups have been reported as expressing disappointment that Obama has not selected more women for cabinet-level positions in his administration. But these decisions apparently have not shaken liberal Democrats’ confidence in Obama to any perceptible degree, according to aggregated data of thousands of Gallup Poll daily interviews from the immediate post-election period (Nov. 5-30), early December (Dec. 1-17) after he announced many of his cabinet choices, and in recent days (Dec. 18-28) after announcing Warren’s role in the inauguration, arguably his most controversial action to date.

Jones notes “a slight drop in confidence in Obama among liberals” just after Obama announced his security team. But liberals now support Obama “at the same levels seen right after his election” (89 percent), as do moderate and conservative Dems. Jones also cites an uptick in Republicans confidence in Obama and a “a slight increase in confidence” among all Americans, from 65 to 67 percent, during the last two weeks. Jones concludes that “liberal Democrats nationwide continue to express strongly positive opinions of the president-elect,” but cautions that

This does not rule out the possibility that liberal Democrats still rate Obama positively on balance but have become less enthusiastic about him in ways that would not be picked up by the basic confidence and favorability measures reported here. These measures only offer respondents a positive or negative response, so any drop in the degree of positive (or negative) feeling would not be apparent.

Overall, it appears that Obama still has substantial political capital with Democrats across the political spectrum, while gaining some ground with moderate Republicans, which gives him a solid position in terms of building public support for his reform agenda.

One comment on “Democrats — Liberal to Conservative — Still Strongly Support Obama

  1. ducdebrabant on

    Speaking as a gay Democrat, I must say that our friends in politics have always been undependable. We’re used to it. The fact that we still support him shouldn’t be construed to mean that our hurt isn’t profound or our disappointment deep. Every great President in American history has managed to be great for everybody but us. Obama may be no exception.


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