washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Whipping Up Unity

It’s not unusual for presidential candidates to have elaborate “whip” operations at conventions, to ensure communications and coordination among widely scattered delegations.
But Hillary Clinton’s convention team is “whipping” its delegates for an unusual purpose: to repress any anti-Obama signs or gestures.
Headed by longtime Clinton operative Craig Smith, the 40-member whip team will work closely with Obama campaign officials to “help foster the image of a unified front during a roll-call process Clinton herself has described as an emotional ‘catharsis’ for her disappointed supporters.” As one Clinton staffer put it:

“If people get down there on the floor and want to start blowing kazoos and making a scene we want to make sure we’ve got people who stand in front of them with Obama signs,” said a person involved in the planning.

Apparently, the lure of convention floor passes helped ensure that plenty of people signed up for the Clinton whip team.

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