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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Senior-Driven Landslide for Obama?

Robert Creamer has a HuffPo must-read “How Obama Can Win Over Seniors and Turn the November Election Into a Democratic Landslide.” Noting that Obama trails McCain by 22 percent among white Seniors in current polls, Creamer has some creative suggestions to close the gap. Here’s a teaser:

Democrats should not attempt to “soften” their opposition to the Iraq War by trying to sound more like Republicans. We need to be clear that the Bush-McCain policies have failed precisely because they have made America less safe, weakened our military, strengthened our adversaries and isolated America in the world. Seniors fear that Obama might not be “strong” enough personally in dealing with world issues. He – and Democrats generally – need to show them that we are “strong” by standing up forcefully for our own view of the policy that can make us safer – and that we are more patriotic in that regard than reckless right-wingers who have in fact made us less secure.
* The “cost of war” frame is particularly powerful with seniors. They agree strongly that it is outrageous that Bush and McCain have spent hundreds of billions on the War in Iraq, but can’t find the money to pay for health care….Democrats need to repeatedly go right at McCain’s competency and judgment when it comes to Iraq — to remind them that his judgment about going to war in Iraq in the first place was wrong.

It’s a good read for all Dem candidates who want to get a bigger piece of a critical high-turnout constituency. See also J. P. Green’s recent TDS post “Beating McCain — With Seniors” for more on this important topic.

2 comments on “Senior-Driven Landslide for Obama?

  1. tmginnova on

    Madame Mijanou’s comment reminds us of how disappointed and bitter some of Sen. Clinton’s staunchest supporters are. But we all need to respond in a responsible way to the issues and candidates before us. In that regard, the Huffington Post excerpt posted on this site was an insightful reminder that voters care about issues, not age or gender stereotypes (or claptrap about moles). I’m almost a senior and I am thrilled to be able to support Sen Obama, because he ably represents the progressive side of this great debate. That’s why Sen Clinton endorsed him so strongly and the vast majority of her supporters will be in the Democratic column this Fall. There’s too much at stake to sulk or aid the right wing.

  2. MadamMijanou on

    I’m a senior, and I will not vote for Senator Obama. His shameful disregard for the most qualified candidate in this election, Hillary Clinton, the fact that he had a “mole” in her office and has now made the mole, chief of staff to the VP, thus eliminating my hopes for Hillary as VP, will make me sit home.
    the country will be completely destroyed in 4 years, by either obama or mccain. So I’ll hope I’ll live long enough to vote for Hillary in 2012.
    Love ya!


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