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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Friday Post-Fest

Brody Mullins has a WSJ update on union clout in his “Labor Makes Big Comeback In ’08 Races.”
MyDD‘s Jonathan Singer reports on the DCCC’s list of “red to blue” congressional candidates. See also Stuart Rothenberg’s quarterly House Outlook.
Ruy Teixeira has a Century Foundation/Center for American Progress report on “What the Public Really Wants…On Retirement Security.”
Those who want to get up to speed on GOP vote scams should read Steven Rosenfeld’s Alternet article “How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Republican Operative.” Rosenfeld interviews Allen Raymond, who was reportedly convicted of illegally jamming phone lines to NH Democratic Party offices on election day, 2002.
Even the Washington Times is predicting a Dem pick-up of 3 to 6 U.S. Senate seats.
TPM has Shannon McCaffrey’s AP report “Black voters generations apart“.
Lakoff’s Rockridge Nation takes a perceptive look at “Renewable Energy and the Art of Arguments.”
Pollster.com‘s Margie Omero reports on newly-available cross tabs regarding “The Gender Gap Vanishing Act.”

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