washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Buried Treasure

Sen. John Kerry’s endorsement of Barack Obama last week was generally met with indifference or derision amongst the political chattering classes (never a hotbed of Kerry support). If his endorsement had value, many said, why wouldn’t it have been secured before the NH primary, which Kerry won four years ago?
The DailyKos blogger DHinMI has a response that’s worth reading. If Kerry turns over his fundraising-contact database to the Obama campaign (a logical assumption), there could be some buried treasure there in terms of voter profiles and fundraising potentials. That makes sense unless Obama (and perhaps HRC) have already mined the known universe of Democratic activists and donors.

2 comments on “Buried Treasure

  1. Raskolnikov on

    I donated to Kerry in 2004, and have gotten periodic e-mails from him since. The day of his Obama endorsement, I got one from Obama. So yes, Kerry is sharing his contact list.
    e-mail begins:
    “Hi Thomas,
    Yesterday in Charleston, South Carolina, I was honored to accept John Kerry’s endorsement of my campaign for President of the United States.
    Senator Kerry is a man who knows how much people who love this country can change it.
    He is a man of courage, a man of conviction, and a man whose life story has given him an intimate understanding of the kind of change we need right now.
    Watch this video from yesterday’s event, and sign up now to join our movement for change:”
    There is more, but I suspect it is too long to paste.


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