One-fourth of potential NH voters did not live in the Granite State in 2000, reports Clynton Namuo in the Union Leader. More than a third of the new residents came from Massachusetts. Namuo adds that many of them are retirees and tax refugees, a fact which may have a pivotal impact on the NH GOP primary.
Rep. Tom Tancredo is probably going to pull out of the GOP presidential race on Thursday, according to M.E. Sprengelmeyer’s report in the Rocky Mountain News. Hard to say who Tanc will endorse, but his withdrawal should produce a slight boost for immigration hawk Romney. No doubt Tancredo will take credit, with some justification, for making immigration the GOP’s pet issue. Sort of “anger, resentment and xenophobia are now rising — my work here is done.”
Liz Mair has a report on the effort to crank up the youth vote in The Politico. Mair sees Obama as the prime beneficiary of the increased interest of young voters in the ’08 campaign, and his campaign is more focused on mobilizing young voters than any other.
Bill Scher’s post “Record-Breaking Obstruction: How It Screwed You,” makes it easy for Democratic congressional candidates looking for a good litany of the Republicans’ obstruction of needed legislative reforms. As Scher concludes “…we know we can’t rely on the media to tell the full story, it’s up to us to spread the word.”
Those bored with the Iowa horse race polls should take a break and check out Paul Waldman’s American Prospect article on best v.p. choices for the leading presidential candidates of both parties. Waldman also discusses the strategic benefits of picking a running mate right friggin’ now.