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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Dems Gain in ’08 Congressional Vote, Security Image

Republicans hoping that their long slide into public disfavor had hit rock bottom have been sorely disappointed by a DCorps survey of LV’s conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 3/20-25. The DCorps poll found that Dems now enjoy a 14 point advantage among LV’s asked to state their preference “if the election were held today” for a named Dem congressional candidate vs. a generic GOP opponent. This is the highest margin recorded since November and double the margin reported in 2006. And, in districts that switched parties in ’06, the margin favoring Dems was an astounding 35 percent.
The GOP’s image as the best party for “keeping people safe” is looking a little ragged as well. Asked which party “you associate more” with “security and keeping people safe,” respondents chose the GOP by a margin of 6 percent — down from 17 percent.
The DCorps survey, which was conducted between the House of Reps passage of the Iraq Supplemental Spending Bill and the Senate’s version, also found strong support for troop reductions. But respondents were “fairly divided” on the pace of withdrawall, with 49 percent concerned that Republicans will “wait too long” and 45 percent worried that “Democrats will leave Iraq too quickly.”

3 comments on “Dems Gain in ’08 Congressional Vote, Security Image

  1. Robichaud on

    How does the 6 pt gap on “security and keeping people safe” compare historically? Are the 10-15 pt gaps we’ve seen in recent elections anomalies?

  2. Tom Wieder on

    Just a small stylistic point. I think you meant to say that the GOP hoped that its “long slide into public disfavor” had bottomed, not “peaked,” since one doesnt slide to a peak.


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