washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

No Exits

As regular readers of this blog know, I’m from Georgia, and have been c-r-a-z-y obsessed with Ralph Reed’s race for Lieutenant Governor, the intended first stop of the crafty operative on the way to the White House. It’s finally primary day in Georgia, and I have an unaccustomed feeling: there are no exit polls in this race, and thus we all have to wait for the actual votes to be counted. What an indignity, eh?To tell you the truth, it’s a blessing. I’m one of the many fools who got hold of the general election exit polls in 2004, and “knew” John Kerry had been elected president before the actual polls had closed anywhere. Hell, I was calling up friends and family members late into the evening, and telling them to ignore that red tide on the network television electoral maps, because the exits had already decided it. Reality finally set in when I called one of my buddies working for Kerry in FL (a state carried by the Democrat, if narrowly, in the exit poll election), and he said: “We’re done here, and we’re done nationally.” So while I wish I had access to the afternoon exits from Georgia today, it’s a lot safer to just wait for the results. Who knows: maybe Ralph Reed will hear from his campaign manager at some point tonight those very words: “We’re done here, and we’re done nationally.”

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