washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

SO Busted!

Some of you may have read my snarky little post about “Episcopalian Sociology” yesterday, expressing a desire to attend the next conference of sociologists within commuting distance. Seemed like a harmless little joke. But instantly, my friend Amy Sullivan let me know via Political Animal that in fact, there’s a Sociology Conference going on right now in Washington. Unfortunately, I didn’t read her post until the just now, the shank of the afternoon, when, in my experience, most professional conferences have wound down to the friends, relatives, and research assistants of those condemned to the Last Panel. And much as I truly (and sincerely) wish I could head over tomorrow to hear the panel on political writing that Amy, Garance Franke-Ruta, Noam Scheiber, Ramesh Ponnuru, and others are conducting, I have to head down to Central Virginia tonight, where the livestock require tending. It’s a classic Blue State/Red State conflict–feed your mind, or feed your farm animals. But duty calls, and I’ll just have to wait for the DVD.

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