washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

WaPo/Univision/TRPI Poll: Kerry Ahead Nearly 2-1 Among Latino RV’s

John Kerry leads George Bush 59-30 percent of Latino RV’s in 11 states, according to a Univision/Washington Post/Thomas Rivera Policy Institute Poll conducted 10/4-16.
Note that Matthew Dowd, chief Bush campaign strategist, has said that Bush needs 38-40 percent of the Latino vote in 2004 to win. Looks like Bush isn’t going to make that target–or even come close.

2 comments on “WaPo/Univision/TRPI Poll: Kerry Ahead Nearly 2-1 Among Latino RV’s

  1. cloudy on

    How do the percentages AND turnout of Latino voters compare to 2000, and how much is the numerical and percentage differences in those states that are close enough to make a difference?

  2. Alicia on

    Last week, my Hispanic friend said to me: “A lot of Hispanics citizens in Northern Virginia area will not vote”. Why, I asked?. She answered: “they are afraid of intimidation and not knowing how to vote and probably no Spanish speakers to help. Or, maybe they are first time voters”, but my question to you, what are we doing about this? I have volunteered my services two or three months ago, and as of today nobody has contacted me. And, yesterday I heard on the rado that the Election Offices are in need of help. So, I called the Fairfax County election office to volunteer and left my name and telephone number. Where is the Democtratic Party in Northern Virginia? Further, the lady at the Election Office (703-222-0776) ask my party affiliation. Is that a question to ask? Please, tell me what is the Democratic Party doing about this?


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