washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Quinnipiac Poll: Kerry Leads in PA by 6

John Kerry leads George Bush 47-41 percent among Pennsylvania RV’s, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll conducted 10/16-20.

One comment on “Quinnipiac Poll: Kerry Leads in PA by 6

  1. SteveH on

    Please help me to understand this.
    With numerious State Polls showing Kerry with a lead
    (either small or large) why is this not reflected in the National Polls.
    Most of the National Polls show a “dead Heat”. What soes
    it take for Kerry to get a 5 or 6 point lead in the National
    Polls ? I have seen Bush with up to a 4 point lead.


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