washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Quinnipiac Poll: Kerry Leads by 4 in PA

John Kerry leads George Bush 46-42 percent of Pennsylvania RV’s, with 10 percent don’t know, according to a poll by Quinnipiac University conducted 10/9-11.

One comment on “Quinnipiac Poll: Kerry Leads by 4 in PA

  1. bruhrabbit on

    I hope everyone is doing something about the massive voter supression story that is coming out about the RNC. I am posting here just in case there is someone on the blogsphere who has not been following it. Please, if you haven’t yet done so, take time to write your local media or call them regarding this issue. None of the polls will matter if we are denied the right to vote on election day.


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