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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Shedding Light on Iraq Occupation

The London bombings underscore the urgency of improving homeland security in the U.S., a critical issue for Democrats to master in upcomming campaigns. But it’s also important for Dems to get up to speed on what is really going on inside Iraq. Facing South, website of the Institute for Southern Studies, has a trio of articles that shed fresh light on U.S. policy in Iraq and ought to be of interest to Democratic strategists. Chris Kromm’s “What Do the People of Iraq Want” reports on a U.S. government poll of Iraqis which found that:

45 percent of Iraqis support the insurgent attacks against coalition troops and a majority of Iraqis oppose having the U.S.-led multinational force in the country, and feel less safe with foreign troop patrols in their neighborhood.

In another article, “A Way Out of Iraq,” Kromm reports on a proposal for a “negotiated withdrawall” from Iraq, a “win-win” policy option that merits thoughtful consideration by Democratic candidates and strategists. And, as long as you are there, you might as well check out Kromm’s eye-opening piece “The Looting of Iraq,” a devastating indictment of contractor corruption in Iraq, which summarizes a longer Guardian article Kromm calls “one of the most galling stories in the annals of U.S. foreign policy.”