washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Update: A Critical Moment To Raise Support With ALL Working Class Voters

One comment on “Update: A Critical Moment To Raise Support With ALL Working Class Voters

  1. Annie watts on

    The thing is you must stand up to the Republicans
    And be bold, use bold language.
    Tie Putin to Trump then tie all Republicans.
    Point out how they tried to over turn out system of government when they try to overthrow the election that Joe Biden won.
    Have them brought up on the charge of treason.
    And when a subpoena is issued and they refuse to show up have them arrested.
    Show the Republicans that you are not playing with them.
    The Republicans are pissed for morally and you go about showing showing it You do this by showing their actions when they try to subvert our government.
    Each time a Democrat goes on TV they should be stressing the points that the Republican party is more early bankrupt that the Republican party is the party of poop that the Republican party is the report of white nationalists that the Republican party is against brown black yellow and red people the Republican party is only interested in power and the Republican party is only out to profit white Americans.
    The Republican party is just fine with white cops killing young black men.
    The Republican party is like Putin.
    The Republican party dose not believe democracy for all.
    They believe in money for themselves and power for themselves.
    The Republican party is a stalinist party.
    It’s not an American political party.
    The Republican party is a member of the Soviet socialist Republic regime.
    Just ask them what they believing.
    They believe in power. They don’t believe in a moral core , they don’t believe in fair play.
    That’s why they are trying to keep Democrats from voting because they know they’re going to lose.


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