washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Does the Democratic Coalition Really Need the White Working Class?

Does the Democratic Coalition Really Need the White Working Class?

One comment on “Does the Democratic Coalition Really Need the White Working Class?

  1. Richard Kadas on

    No, a white House leadership in forging a grand coalition Constitution and democracy supporting Americans composed of marginalized populations(i.e., Latinos, Asian-Americans, Jewish Americans, Muslim-Americans, and LBGTQ, which in combination with the Democratic Party’s liberal, and college educated base will keep Donald Trump and his party of eternal anger, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and Christian nationalists in outer darkness. Uniting America in 2021 In a paraphrase of Lincoln’s ‘House divided speech one might say, “A house divided cannot stand nor can a nation with one half favoring constitutional democracy and the other favoring authoritarian one party rule. The union will not fail, but it cannot remain divided; it must be all of one or of the other.”


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