washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Democrats: Its time to consider targeted strategies to undermine Trump’s white working class support.

Democrats: Its time to consider targeted strategies to undermine Trump’s white working class support.

3 comments on “Democrats: Its time to consider targeted strategies to undermine Trump’s white working class support.

  1. Ron Hickernell on

    One possibility is to understand them. sure there are those who are despicable and others so far into Fox that there is little need to reach out. But, many have learned over the past 20 or so years Democratic candidates had little interest in their well being. West Virginia is a good example. Democrats rightly sought elimination of coal. If Democratic leaders gave a damn about coal miners fate, there would have been jobs created, support provided in the interim and creation of programs which could have prevented the flood of narcotics. But, the Obama administration walked away and left West Virginians to suffer. West Virginia is just one example, there are Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin and pockets throughout the US. The 2016 vote from all of these suffering regions is a cry of pain.


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