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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Democracy Corps: State of the Union 2019 Dial Meter Test Results

The following article is cross-posted from an email from Democracy Corps:

On behalf of the Voter Participation Center and Women’s Voices. Women Vote Action Fund, Democracy Corps conducted live dial-meter testing of the 2019 State of the Union among the Rising American Electorate (African Americans, Latinos, white unmarried women and white millennials), white working-class women, and white college women. Here are some of the key findings:

  • Voters, including those in our dial-meter groups, watched the address with an extraordinary high level of political engagement.
  • The Democratic presidential vote was not eroded and Trump’s job performance gains were unimpressive.
  • The president made immigration and border security the central pitch of his address, but if the goal was to create a new context for a possible shutdown or emergency declaration, then he failed.

  • The biggest gains of the night were on making healthcare more affordable, but Trump made these gains championing positions his administration does not support.
  • The president saw a rise by recognizing women in the workplace and in Congress, but we suspect this were driven more by the celebrations of the Democratic women and the president playing along.
  • Criminal justice reform delivered some of the highest moments in our dials, particularly among African Americans and white millennials, but he did not improve his standing with these groups.

In the end, the Rising American Electorate said that they want Democrats in Congress to be a check on Trump rather than to work with him by a two-to-one margin, marking even greater resistance to Trump and his agenda than last year (60 check to 40 work in 2018).



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