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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

Yes, preregistration does increase young voter turnout, reports Journalist’s Resource.

How secure is online voting? Sari Horwitz addresses the issue in her troubling Washington Post article “More than 30 states offer online voting, but experts warn it isn’t secure.”

A perceptive quote from Connor Kilpatrick’s “Burying the White Working Class” at The Jacobin: “The working class is central to a meaningful progressive politics because they have the numbers, the economic incentive and the potential power to halt capital in its tracks — to check the power of our ruling class and build a truly democratic society out of this miserable oligarchy we all find ourselves stuck in today.”

Quinnipiac University Poll puts Christie’s Trump grovel into perspective.

AP glorifies Trump’s lily-white list of eight potential Supreme Court nominees

Telling stats from Niall Stanage’s post “Trump, Clinton face most diverse electorate in history” at The Hill: “Non-whites also represent a higher proportion of new voters who have come of age since 2012. Non-whites accounted for 43 percent of the eligible voters who turned 18 between 2012 and 2016, despite representing only about 30 percent of the overall electorate…Pew counts a net increase of about 7.5 million eligible voters who are members of ethnic minorities since 2012. Among whites, that number is just 3.2 million.”

Lapdog media dutifully parrots the latest Dems in Disarray narrative, even though the Nevada state Democratic convention incident is dwarfed by the GOP’s more numerous and intense internecine slugfests.

Rachel Maddow brings a more measured perspective on the lasting effects of contentious primary season divisions.

Trevor Noah has some choice zingers describing Megyn Kelly’s softball “interview” with Trump.

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