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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

It’s only one poll, but it has a high accuracy track record and it has Trump in second place among GOP presidential contenders, amid increasing buzz that Trump’s support may have peaked.
Michael Tomasky warns at The Daily Beast: “John Boehner has been far and away the worst speaker of the House of Representatives in many decades, presiding over the two least productive Congresses in modern American history, overseeing those endless and ridiculous Obamacare repeal votes, and most of all not having the stones to bring the immigration bill to the floor. It would have passed any day he chose to let that happen, which at least would have given the newspapers one positive item to include in the lead paragraph of his obituary when the time comes…But from the looks of things, Boehner isn’t going to be holding the worst speaker title for very long.”
At the Times Patrick Healy probes evidence that anger at the political establishment “is also coursing through the Democratic electorate.”
The 2nd amendment to the constitution reads in full: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” But the NRA has only the second half of the 2nd amendment to the constitution emblazoned on the wall in its HQ lobby. (scroll far down to see photo) Hey NRA and it’s GOP minions, is it really OK to sell guns to anyone?
usmilitia.jpg RFK warned about the tragic consequences of firearms anarchy join the U.S. in 1968 — in Roseburg.
Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley gets out front of the the white house aspirants in both parties on gun control in the wake of the Roseburg tragedy. John Wagner reports at Post Politics that O’Malley is calling for “four reforms on the national level: a ban on “combat assault weapons”; a requirement that those who purchase guns get licenses and be fingerprinted; a law making gun trafficking a federal crime; and a commitment from the federal government to purchase firearms only from companies that use “the latest and best safety technology.”
Hillary Clinton is also unveiling a strong gun control plan, while Bernie Sanders is catching some heat from progressives for voting to protect legal immunity for gun manufacturers.
End Cit­izens United PAC targets six battleground house races, reports Kimberly Railey at national Journal.
As Koch brothers get ready to spend $1 billion on 2016, Dems meet to prevent them from dominating the election, Alexander Bolton reports at The Hill

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